Friday, January 28, 2011

Australian To American Drivers


Photography Juan Carlos A. Paesani - Avenida Hipólito Yrigoyen - New Córdoba Barrio - Ciudad de Córdoba - Argentina

Photo Juan Carlos A. Paesani - Partial View Reservoir Dam San Roque - Villa Carlos Paz - Cordoba Province - Argentina

Photo Juan Carlos A. Paesani - Partial View of the City of Villa Carlos Paz - From Barrio Sun River toward the city of Tanti - Province of Cordoba - Argentina

Photo Juan Carlos A. Paesani - Partial view of the Sierras Chicas in the city of Villa Carlos Paz Córdoba Province - Argentina - From Barrio Sol and Rio

Juan Carlos A.
Photography Paesani - Partial View of the Plaza of the Administration - Sunset - Villa Carlos Paz - Cordoba Province - Argentina

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Generator Light Stays On

. Muhammad and the Prince

Can science prove that God does not exist?

The question of a misunderstanding, either through ignorance or intent to divert the debate, the role and nature of science, and a fallacy-transfer burden of proof. Science is not intended to show-and if they intended or could do, nor is its function, there are no elves, the Tooth Fairy, the Olympian gods or the God of monotheistic religions. Therefore the answer to that question is: no, of course not. But the burden of proof lies with those who said that God exists and are those who believe in gods who must prove their existence and not ask those who do not believe demonstrate their absence ..

While it is true that, as a side effect and side-but unavoidable-scientific activity throughout its history has been slowly, or expelling supernatural entities like gods their place in our worldview or making them unnecessary, transforming the magical-religious vision of the world somewhat obsolete to be replaced by a naturalistic description. Newton's mechanics to describe the laws that govern the motion of bodies unwittingly ended with the need to "prime movers." Evolutionary theory of Darwrin Noting the phylogenetic between all living things broke apart in theology established between human beings and other living things, breaking down the position of men and women as product of a "creation" special, independent, separate and perfect image and likeness of the creator. "biology and neuroscience has collapsed dualistic conception of the soul and vital principle understood as supernatural carrier will, and replaced by an emerging phenomenon of the central nervous system itself: the mind. Currently, cosmology and astrophysics with models like the Big Bang describes the beginning of the universe without leaving much room for creative gods or governors. And these are just some examples.

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Wednesday, January 19, 2011

How To Build Expandable Dining Table

bullet Great view My evil clone especially recommended for those who remember with nostalgia the beloved story of Saint-Exupéry.

More humor atheist.

--- of timeless classic, as in the case of the chats. Atheist Forum are a group of people who meet on IRC to talk about critical thinking, philosophy, secularity, impiety, and so on. comes to discuss with us Atheist Forum the best atheist themed chat, in which atheists, agnostics, liberals and free thinkers come together.

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Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Full Weave With Bangs

Benedict House Go!

start protests and demonstrations against the pope's upcoming visit to Madrid in August. The Madrid Association of Atheists and Freethinkers (Amal) has launched this campaign under the slogan 'Go home, Benedict' to denounce the waste that will the visit of the leader and Catholic leader and to demand a secular state.

More information: http:/ / /


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Monday, January 17, 2011

What Top To Wear With A Tutu

stolen children of Franco.

Several English institutions begin, tentatively, the investigation of theft of babies and children during the dictatorship of Francisco Franco. What began as part of a political extermination operation in post-war women's prisons, eventually becoming a mafia network that would extend until the first years of democracy. It is estimated that the toll could reach up to 300 000 children.

"I know I gave birth. They took him to baptize him, but he never returned. I saw him no more. I suppose a married couple had no children it was, but I did not ask permission. " This is the shocking story that the deceased Emily Girón, imprisoned and tortured for being the sister of guerrilla Manuel Girón, "El Leon del Bierzo", he for the documentary "The Lost Children of Franco."

One of our users sent us this interesting article on the theft of babies and children during the national-catholic dictatorial regime of Francisco Franco. View Article: Stolen Children of Franco. ---

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Sunday, January 16, 2011

Elliptical Machine Causes Foot Pain

A Blue Point - Program # 16 - Kleopatra. Reforms

Blue Dot is a program of astronomy, astronautics and space sciences, which makes Astronomical Association Jerezana Border Radio Magallanes. A podcast fun, interesting and informative to recommend from Atheist Forum.
More information here
and here.


In the first program of 2011, talking about various topics: the science forum Work on double star Juan Luis Gonzalez in his blog http:/ ... / Partial Eclipse of the Sun seen from Spain on 4 January. The sounds of space, Edgar Gomez, from Mexico, on U.S. astronauts. Asteroid Kleopatra. The atmosphere of exoplanets. That and much more in your program in astronomy: A Blue Point, made by the Astronomical Association Jerezana Magallanes (Spain)

We also have our own channel on Ivoox Atheist Forum, which climbed interesting science and atheism audio

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Hat Party Invitation Rhyme


The Pope concluded the reform of eternity. Original Source

Benedict proclaims that purgatory is not a physical place, but "inner fire" of the sinner - Juan Pablo II amended in 1999 the concept of heaven and hell and die before questioned the limbo

JOHN G. 16/01/2011 BEDOYA

Everything is metaphor. Where the Creed teaches that good will be rewarded with eternal heaven and the sinners punished with a terrible hell, actually does not refer to physical places in the clouds or below ground, but moods. The same applies to the purgatory that Pope Benedict XVI also recently reduced to a simple "inner fire." "Purgatory is not an element of the bowels of the Earth, there is a fire outside, but internally," the Pope said in last Wednesday's catechesis.
John Paul II said something similar in August 1999 about heaven and hell, also mere moods. He had proclaimed long before the French existentialist philosopher Jean Paul Sartre, with this sentence was time: "Hell is other people."

said in 1999 the famous Polish pope, "Hell, more than a place, is a situation of who is away in a free and definitive of God." And also that "the sky is not a physical place in the clouds, but a living relationship with God."

far justified write heaven, hell, purgatory or limbo because they were considered capitalize place names, "albeit mythical or imaginary." It thus establishes the Royal English Academy in the recent Spelling of English. His argument is that these substantive "established specifically designated places by the various religions as a destination of souls after death ".
Settled as mythical place names, lose the right to the capital. It remains to get an apology for the misery and fear caused to these scarecrows. After Galileo was impossible believe in heaven as the church had. But to say has been dangerous for centuries. In 1600 Giordano Bruno was burned alive, in 1616 condemned Copernicus, and in 1663, Galileo. The moral price paid by those Vatican atrocities is high, but the greater the grief of millions of faithful who have lived, many are still alive, terrified by the idea of \u200b\u200beternal fire in hell now discarded.
Popes fought
now the faithful Catholics of that apocalyptic eschatology, dark and vengeful. Theologians as important as or Hans Küng Hans Urs von Balthasar, are forward 40 years, first at the risk of anatematización. It was the Second Vatican Council expert on the decision of John XXIII and professor of theology at the Catholic University of Tübingen when he was removed from office by his writings.
In 1975 Küng wrote about heaven: "You can not today as in biblical times, understanding the sky blue as the outside of the throne room of God, but the image of the invisible realm of God. The sky of faith sky is not the astronauts. There is a place, but a way of being. "He said about hell:" Do not be understood as a place or infraterrestre supraterrestrial world, but as exclusion from communion with the living God. "

If everything was so clear, why Popes later reviewed as the doctrine of the afterlife? There are three answers. The first has to do with the so-called harassment of science. Rome did not want to repeat the bitter story of Galileo or Giordano Bruno. The second reason is the result of statistics : 60% of Catholics believe in Christ, but not in hell or in paradise. And, finally, to fulfill an obligation to reconcile that have delayed more than prudent. The Church must live in their time, and the interpretation has to be updated in the past became sacred texts. This is the aggiornamento, favorite word of John XXIII and Vatican II.

The last myth to fall into disuse has been purgatory. It was somewhere between heaven and hell, a sort of waiting room. Never officially said where it was located and its arrival on the scene, around 1170, justified the celebration of All Saints and a nasty habit of buying bulls that heaven for the souls of friends and relatives.
Another stud in eschatological geography affected limb. Classic catechisms said limbo was where they were who died without the use of reason and not baptized. A place without torment or glory, something like being in the clouds forever.

The punishment was to live in a third class of cavity than the heaven and hell, in which innocent souls, besides being deprived of glory, would suffer the absence of those who had the good fortune to escape: parents, siblings. .. Tridentine doctrine incentivized with such terrible arguments quickly baptism of infants.

John Paul II who was ordained in 2004, shortly before his death, the then Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger (now Benedict XVI) the address of a theological commission why the suppression the limbus. It was not an isolated theological problem. The papacy was forced to change views that have been filled with anguish the faithful. Thus, the view from St. Augustine, has the Church of Rome on the man as a hopelessly empecatado since Eve and the serpent bundled Adam. The Pope sought a synthesis that would help "to practice more coherent and enlightened pastoral." The doctrine that puts in limbo the dead children with the "original sin" is not washed away by baptism, is of medieval origin and some relevant among modern theologians unless it is twinned with the idea, also secured by suitable Vatican II, that outside the Roman Church had not salvation.

"In the beginning God created heaven and earth," reads the first sentence of the Bible. For those who take the holy book as a doctrine, such a start occurred in just one week and 6,000 years ago. They also claim that there was a Paradise (sometimes a garden called Eden, the Earth's delight), where Adam and Eve called an appendix ribs had two sons, Cain and Abel, which in turn ... The happy story of the apple cost them being thrown into outer darkness and some have to work, they and their descendants, to earn bread by the sweat of their brow. " The biblical writer did not see unemployment at that time.
It is a curious history, including snake and unhappy ending. In fact, all unreal. But its consequences have been terrible. As for centuries the subject of earthly paradise has been interpreted as it was written at the time of King Solomon, Christian preachers have taught that Eve came evil and death in the world and that women deserve everlasting contempt for it. "Do not be never or Judas and Eve", urged Pius XII, in the fifties of last century, every time there was ordination of priests in Rome and received in audience the misacantanos.

There is a long list of Christian thinkers who proclaimed in the sixties, after the Vatican II, which now preach the pontiffs. But for a layman eyes, the new papal eschatology turned upside down the classical interpretation of sacred texts and what has been taught as doctrine to English children in catechism as famous as those of Astete and Ripalda. Also fell precipitously the idea of \u200b\u200bThomas Aquinas on some of the essential pleasures of going to heaven: in addition to the vision of God, the wise Aquinas stresses the un-Christian from the contemplation of the sufferings of the cast into hell.

In the same vein, the gigantic Dante preaches that vengeful delight when The Divine Comedy, in addition to gloat in the "region of the Damned" with the appointment of thieves, loan sharks, pimps, betrayers, negligent princes, popes and genius greedy cheaters like Ulysses (at the Trojan horse), adjusts his countrymen accounts of Florence, of which was prior before being exiled. On his journey to the beyond the appointment of 32 Florentine poet rotting in hell. Gloating is human, but may be exaggerations such alternative eschatology excremental a word, a derivative of eschatos (last) and logos (study): a study of recent days.

The morbid gossip Dante to the condemned into everlasting fire, terrified, however, Unamuno, calling them "moral absurdity" the very idea of \u200b\u200bhell. "For the hell I started to rebel against the faith. My fear is annihilation, annulment, nothing beyond the grave. What more hell?" He wrote.
For the hell and the rest of Christian eschatology, the Vatican, with its enormous power, filled with shadows, sorrows and fears for centuries the vision of humanity, with limits taken today by irreverent. An example is the Capuchin preacher Martin von Cochem, who came to set the height of the flames of hell, calling attention to the fact that his fire is hottest the earth: it happens "Rather close", "feeds on fish and brimstone" and it is God who breathes.
"You know," is displayed Cochem, "that when you blow on the fire, it turns with a vengeance. If the fire is stoked with great bellows, as in the forges of the blacksmiths, the flames become furious. When Almighty God is blowing the fire of hell with his breath, how horrible is not his rage and fury. "
That a so gross and absurd eschatology has survived for centuries can be explained by the desire for immortality of the human race and the hope of a "beyond" after death. He holds Manuel Fraija theologian, a student in Germany by Karl Rahner, Hans Küng and Walter Kasper (director of doctoral thesis). "I told Feuerbach that if there were no death, there would be no religion. And Nietzsche attributed the victory of Christianity in this deplorable flattery of personal vanity achieved by dint of promises of immortality," he adds.

Hell is also a destructive dystopia. By threatening to eternal punishment, was intended to cause terror and the flight of the world. The look of the past acted as a distraction to divert believers from their responsibilities in building the earthly city.
the background is the doctrine of the resurrection, which was also born as a response to injustice. Fraija theologian says: "There are those unjustly treated, humiliated and offended, victims of selfishness and barbarism. The resurrection is to satisfy one of the fundamental desires of human beings, marked by a melancholy of fulfillment that only the full resurrection . There is an anthropology of unsatisfied call it, that fits well with the announcement of the resurrection. For her, the resurrection is a requirement. " -----

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