Friday, January 30, 2009

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watermarks vs. Steganography. Cryptography

The steganography and cryptography from Greek words similar, the two seek to conceal an important message from a potential attacker (someone want to know the original information without permission) but held that concealment very differently.

The easy way to understand the difference of cryptography and steganography is to understand the problem of prisoner (J. Simpson, 1983), which is:

How can two prisoners to communicate (eg to agree a plan of escape) they are in separate cells and all messages exchanged passes na through a guardian?

First, the abbreviation comes from eg Latin exempli gratia which means "example" or just "for example." Clarified above, the situation is that two prisoners want to escape but the guardian read all the messages that are sent, so they must fend to carry out the exhaust. To make it more interesting to call them prisoners Michael and Linc , while the guardian be called Bellick (any resemblance to the series prison break is mere coincidence.) A diagram of this situation shown and the figure below

Thus, if Michael sends a message Linc: "The escape is the Saturday I have all fixed ... " , Bellick discover their escape plan, which would cause the destruction of the message and a tremendous putiza to remove them these crazy ideas of the head.

But like all know Michael is a scholar and knows of cryptography then it does is encrypt the message sent to Linc (of course!, Linc known as the decoding message) to Bellic not understand. But Bellick to see the encrypted message, suspicion and destroys it, preventing his escape again. And as you can imagine, Bellick given a putiza to see that go up to.

Eye! ... and ncriptar and decrypt is not the same as encrypt and decrypt, the two first words have to do with crypts.

Alternatively you can take Michael is to use the steganography to hide the message, but now I would do in such a way that the message would be hidden within another message less important, ie innocuous carrier medium. So Michael commanded to Linc the following message:

Bellick to read the message thinks that there is nothing strange and passes to Linc. However, this note has a hidden message which can be seen in the image below

With this, Michael and Linc plan the escape from prison without raising any suspicion. Now imagine a scenario but now today. Bellick is a Hacker famous and analyzing all the messages sent Michael and Linc. If encryption is used Bellick try to break that code for information hidden, however when using steganography Bellick would not know that there are hidden messages in the communication, keeping the secret safe. It is important to note that a system estaganográfico watermarks or uses cryptography (encrypting the message that is hidden) for greater security, if they break the watermarking scheme.

With this example you can notice the subtle difference of how obscure the information you are two disciplines. We conclude that goal of steganography is to pass desapersivida and the cryptography is to avoid being decoded (or decrypted).

Before concluding, there is a type of steganography supporting distortions in the middle marking, it is called steganography robust. For example, imagine that the bastard Bellick comes up exchanging a few words of message marked (which is hidden information.) If the above method we used our hidden message be lost, whereas if we used a robust, our message can resist the modification attack. Many

authors call the robust as steganography watermarks. We should note something very important, both steganography and watermarks are methods of hiding information within a half ... in principle are the same, in fact we treat them as such, but many authors take them as different because of the resilience to attacks.

In the next post will talk about a small classification steganography.

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Watermarkero, what the hell is that?

A watermarkero is a person dedicated to watermarking. First of all, this term does not exist in our e nglish, but seeing no one to appoint those persons I have taken the dare to create it. Sure!, If someone is upset by this word and has another to designate the persons performing this activity that I do know in this way learn a new word.

Well, before continuing my name is Ped ro
Aaron and I am a watermarkero since a couple of years (since 2007). But before proceeding to discuss this stuff is the or watermarking watermarks n and English. Eye to those of the English language purists (you know those who translate everything) I want to avoid the pain of having to call us as watermarkeros washable markers, which can be heard as ugly as the translation the famous name Luke SkyWalker to Lucas Trotacielos , is Terrible!.

Back to the subject, marks acute
to describe techniques to hide inform ation in half. This information (or message) may be varied: serial numbers, images, data creator or measures, etc.. Similarly, the carrier medium may be an image, a video , audio clip, text, etc. For example, techniques watermarks to conceal information from the author of an image within the pixels of it, by using a function of hiding this important information is hidden within the image, which to be half safe (p important oco) can go from sapercibido preventing an attacker knows the original information (important). In watermarking system simple is shown in the figure below

Another way of calling techniques water marks are: technical steganographic , techniques concealment of inf ormation ( hiding information ) or embedding techniques data (data embedding). Which are intended to hide information within a medium.

Before continuing, I have to clarify that the old way (and current, but less used) to call watermarking is steganography
. This word comes from the Greek roots:

steganos = hide, conceal
graphos = write

That is the meaning of "writing
disguised or hidden." This ancient word has almost the same meaning as another word well known: cryptography. Which comes from the Greek words:

Kryptos = hide
graphos = write

which together means "hidden writing ." But do not confuse them, because each of these disciplines has ways to hide the very specific information. For example in the case of cryptography would hide information by distorting it, which is unreadable. This will prevent an attacker may know the original information.

In the next blog entry will mention, with a very intuitive example, the difference between steganography and cryptography. We are in contact ... I welcome your valuable comments, recommendations or lamentations .... Jajaja greetings:)