Friday, January 30, 2009

Dangers Of Nicotine Lozenges

Watermarkero, what the hell is that?

A watermarkero is a person dedicated to watermarking. First of all, this term does not exist in our e nglish, but seeing no one to appoint those persons I have taken the dare to create it. Sure!, If someone is upset by this word and has another to designate the persons performing this activity that I do know in this way learn a new word.

Well, before continuing my name is Ped ro
Aaron and I am a watermarkero since a couple of years (since 2007). But before proceeding to discuss this stuff is the or watermarking watermarks n and English. Eye to those of the English language purists (you know those who translate everything) I want to avoid the pain of having to call us as watermarkeros washable markers, which can be heard as ugly as the translation the famous name Luke SkyWalker to Lucas Trotacielos , is Terrible!.

Back to the subject, marks acute
to describe techniques to hide inform ation in half. This information (or message) may be varied: serial numbers, images, data creator or measures, etc.. Similarly, the carrier medium may be an image, a video , audio clip, text, etc. For example, techniques watermarks to conceal information from the author of an image within the pixels of it, by using a function of hiding this important information is hidden within the image, which to be half safe (p important oco) can go from sapercibido preventing an attacker knows the original information (important). In watermarking system simple is shown in the figure below

Another way of calling techniques water marks are: technical steganographic , techniques concealment of inf ormation ( hiding information ) or embedding techniques data (data embedding). Which are intended to hide information within a medium.

Before continuing, I have to clarify that the old way (and current, but less used) to call watermarking is steganography
. This word comes from the Greek roots:

steganos = hide, conceal
graphos = write

That is the meaning of "writing
disguised or hidden." This ancient word has almost the same meaning as another word well known: cryptography. Which comes from the Greek words:

Kryptos = hide
graphos = write

which together means "hidden writing ." But do not confuse them, because each of these disciplines has ways to hide the very specific information. For example in the case of cryptography would hide information by distorting it, which is unreadable. This will prevent an attacker may know the original information.

In the next blog entry will mention, with a very intuitive example, the difference between steganography and cryptography. We are in contact ... I welcome your valuable comments, recommendations or lamentations .... Jajaja greetings:)


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