Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Wet N Wavy Weave Not Wet

Some images

Before starting the explanation of the LSB method to hide information in an image, it is convenient to talk about basic theory of digital images. In this post will describe the basics such as image types, resolution, depth, color models, etc.

A digital image is a two-dimensional array (rows and columns). Each array element represents a color. Each element is called pixel. This name comes from the contraction of the words in English picture element (picture element).

= pixel pic ture the

Note ement. Such contractions are called portmanteaus . Other examples are: emoticon, internet, trillion, wikipedia, etc.

Thus, an image consists of pixels (eye. .. i is emphasized.) The

a resolution digital image (size) is the number of pixels in an image. Thus, we can find images of 256 × 256, 640 x 480 1024 x 768 pixels, etc. Here resolution is given by the rows and columns of the image . Another way to express the resolution of the image is using the explicit amount of pixels in the image (multiplying rows with columns) in millions of pixels or megapixels (Mpx). Thus, there are pictures of 1 megapixel, 2 megapixel 3.1 megapixel ,..., etc. For example:

An image resolution of 640 x 480 pixels is said to have 0.3 Megapixel (640 × 480 = 307.200 = 0307.200 million pixels).

An image with a resolution of 2048 x 1536 pixels says has 3.1 Megapixel (2048 x 1536 = 3145728 = 3145.728 million pixels).

A pixel is an element of the image and the magnitude of which represents a color. This amount is in fact an integer which can be represented by a fixed number of bits. The number of bits (or image depth) determines how many colors or shades of gray can be displayed. For example, in an 8-bit image uses 8 bits per pixel, allowing it to display 2 to the 8 (256) different colors or shades of gray.

More precisely, the following image (Lena ) has a resolution of 256 × 256 pixels and a depth of 8-bit grayscale. Ie you can only represent 256 colors, ranging from black (scale 0) to white (size 255), a gray color would have a magnitude close to 128.

Lena image

An approach to a portion of the image of Lena (left eye) is shown in the figure below, in it we can see each pixel in detail and the value of each .

closer to a portion of the image of Lena

For a pixel represents multiple colors (and not just grayscale) typically use more bits, typically 24. This allows an amount of 2 to the 24 colors, ie, 16,777,216 color options.

With many colors as you know which is which?, This will use color models . The color model was used is the RGB model , other models are CYMK , RYB , etc.

A parenthesis. This page shows various models of color. You can download software very interesting too. I recommend them if you want to go deeper in this regard.

In the RGB model (English Red, Green, Blue , "red, green, blue), RGB for simplicity, each color is represented by the mixture by the addition of these three colors. Usually each has a depth of 8 bits, meaning that they can take a value between 0 and 255 (a total of 256 colors). With it you can get 256 × 256 × 256 = 16,777,216 colors.

indicate what proportion to mix each color is assigned a value to each of the primary colors, so the value 0 is not involved in the mix and, as that value increases, it is understood that brings more intensity to the mix.

So get with the red (255,0,0), the green (0,255,0) and blue (0,0,255), obtaining in each case resulting monochromatic color. The absence of color (what we know as black) is obtained when all three components are 0, (0,0,0).

The combination of two colors at 255 with a third level 0 gives rise to three intermediate colors. Thus, the yellow is (255,255,0), cyan (0,255,255) and magenta (255,0,255).

Obviously, the white color is formed with the three primary colors its m axim um level (255,255,255).

The set of all colors can be represented as a cube. Each color is a point on the surface or interior. The gray scale would be located on the diagonal that connects to white to black.
So far we have talked about still images or raster (also called bitmap or pixmap image matrix). Such images, as mentioned above, are represented by a grid (raster ) pixels and whose main features are the size and depth.

However there are other types of images: the vector . These are formed by independent geometric objects (segments, polygons, arcs, etc.), Each defined by different attributes mathematical shape, position, color, etc. For example, a red circle will be defined by the position of its center, its radius, line thickness and color. The main interest of vector graphics is to expand the size of an image will not suffer the effects of scaling raster images suffering. Also allow you to move, stretch and twist images relatively easily.

The left image is an example where you can compare vector images (left column) with raster images (right column) to expand the respective images. As can be seen, with increasing the zoom images of the left maintains its quality, while those on the right are gradually revealing the pixels that make up the image. Vector images can be scaled indefinitely without loss of quality. The two examples of expanding to 300% and 600% illustrate particularly well this property of vector images: the outlines of geometric shapes (white stripes behind the letter A) is not increased accordingly in the figure in the case of raster image.

With this brief introduction to digital images are laid the foundations for understanding the milieu in which they hide information. We only have the techniques used to hide information within them. The methods discussed in this blog using still images.

In the next post we will see how to hide information in a raster image using LSB technique.

As a final note, from now on referred to simply as raster images images.

Be well:)

color models Pixel Depth

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Max Payne Correct Cd-rom


There are many classifications of watermarks but the main ones are listed below

Of all these, we focus on the specific use classification. Thus, the watermarks can be used to avoid detection embedded message. To achieve this embedding of the message must distort slightly the carrier medium, this is done to avoid raising suspicion that there is something hidden. For example, if you hide information in a image and watermarked image is very distorted, then generate suspicion that the image has been modified causing the image is analyzed to see if there is information in it. So, to avoid detection of the embedded message must avoid distortions in the middle marking. In the watermarking techniques responsible for this is called concealment techniques information.

watermarks can be used to avoid removing the embedded message for this are used calls water marks robust. Such watermarks resist certain attacks made in the middle marking in this way are used to hide information from copyright protection and backup, among others. The

fragile watermarks and fragile semi are used to prevent forgeries marked the media. A feature of such schemes is, in contrast to the robust watermark, which can not withstand attacks and distortions made in the middle marking. If the media set is modified then the mark is lost, which is a possible forgery.

As we can see each of these types of watermarks are used for specific applications:
  • concealment information is used by applications in which you want to keep secret information embedded. That is, these applications require a low impact perceptal (low distortion) to avoid suspicion.
  • watermarks robust are used by applications that need resist distortion in the middle marking.
  • The fragile watermark and semi-fragile are used by applications that verify the integrity or originality of the medium marked , do not stand for it distortions made to the media marked. ----------------

Before continuing ..... Let's attacks
attacks are classified as: Active Attacks
  • : Distort or change the environment set to delete the message embedded or prevent the extraction function to find. Examples of these attacks are in pictures: compressions are loss (JPEG, GIF), filtered, changing contrast, brightness, histograms, geometric modifications (rotations, translations, mirror, etc) among others.
  • Passive attacks: Analyze the means marking to determine the existence of a message, the size of it or just remove it. Examples of these attacks are visual and statistical attacks (Chi-square).
More will forward examples of such attacks. ----------------

The basic requirements a watermarking application are three:
  1. Capacity: The maximum amount of information that can be hidden in a medium.
  2. Robustness: The ability of a watermarking algorithm to extract the embedded message marking the medium after the latter has been attacked.
  3. perceptual Impact: A watermarking algorithm is truly imperceptible if you can not tell at a glance the differences between the environment and marking the original media. While this capability is subjective in origin, there are metrics for evaluation. As an example, is the signal to noise ratio (PSNR), the mean square error (EMS), the correlation, the maximum absolute error (MAE), etc. Note that in order to assess this capability is necessary to compare the middle marked with the original media. As is usually distributed environment without marking the carrier medium is sufficient for the marked changes in the environment go unnoticed for the watermarking algorithm used is considered negligible.
Thus an application made to verify the integrity of medical images (for avoid changing ultrasound, X-ray images, etc..) requires low perceptual impact, a little strength and little ability, ie be located in the blue region (near the intersection of axes) of the following graph. This chart shows the relationship between these basic requirements.

On the other hand, an application to protect satellite images (copyright), needs to be resistant to different lossy compression schemes (ie the compressed image is not the same as the original image, since There was a loss in pixels eg JPEG). This resistance is needed because the potential thieves images, usually unaware of the existence of the brand (hidden message), then they proceed to try to eliminate it by changing the medium marked by avoiding leaving very distorted because they do not serve. This type of robust applications perceptually impact the environment marked as it is used a lot of redundancy of information (often repeat the same brand) and methods to store information much the distorting medium. Note that the ability of such schemes is minimal, as the redundancy decreases the capacity. The location of these schemes in the previous figure is close to the yellow and red.

Well ... dizzying enough of choro (bla bla bla) in the next post will make a watermarking scheme for images called LSB (Least Significant bit).

Be well, we are in contact ... Applications