Wednesday, November 18, 2009

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Link to the site of Argentina Flag Picture

Photography Flower Ceibo or Seibo - National Flower of Argentina - Juan Carlos A. Paesani - City of Villa Carlos Paz - Cordoba Province - Argentina - Barrio Independencia - Time 10:00 (time of Córdoba)
The site
TARINGA the following quoted text:

National Flower of Argentina

"The national flower of Argentina is the kapok tree, whose scientific name is Erythrina crista-galli . December 23 1942 by Executive Decree of 13,847 was recognized. The kapok is also known by the names of seibo, Seiber, cock or bucare. It is also the national flower of Uruguay. Reason for appointment in Argentina. To designate the national flower, the Ministry of Agriculture appointed a special commission proposed to ceibo as national flower. Among other considerations, the decree 13,847 stands out as reasons for the choice:
seibo flower That preference has received large numbers of people from different parts of the country, in the various surveys that are promoted by popular journalism and cultural and scientific institutions.
That these conditions have given knowledge seibo Flower in almost all countries of Europe and America, which is already under such background, as the representative flower of Argentina.
seibo Flower, whose distribution covers large areas of the country, has been evoked in Aboriginal legends, poets, being another reason to musical pieces that have enriched our folklore, artistic expressions of deeply rooted popular and typically native.
seibo That color is one that holds our shield argentinidad expression and symbol of our country.
besides her seibo the tree for its timber, industrial applications, its remarkable resistance to the environment and multiply easily have contributed to the geological formation of the Mesopotamian delta, the country's pride and admiration.
several government institutions, civil and military, have established planting seibo the mast behind our flag, and assigning a symbolic and traditional.
otherwise not exist in the Republic that encloses a flower botanical characteristics, phytogeographical, artistic or historical that have earned the unanimous views hierarchy to assign national flower, so predilections, as revealed in surveys and contests carried out.
That in addition there is the possibility that a particular plant seamlessly covering the entire length of the country by the diversity of its climatic and ecological conditions.
ceibo legend
There is a legend told by the oral tradition of the kapok tree: Legend has it that on the banks of an Indian girl living Paraná ugly, coarse features called Anahi. Although it was ugly, on summer evenings delight to all the people of his tribe Guarani songs inspired by their gods and love the land that they owned ... But the invaders came, these brave, bold and brave white-skinned beings, devastating the tribes and their land seized, idols, and their freedom. Anahí was taken captive along with other Indians.
spent many days crying and many nights awake, until one day the dream beat his sentinel, the Indian girl escaped, but in doing so, the watchman awoke, and she, to achieve their goal, plunged a knife into the chest of his guardian, and quickly fled to the jungle. The cry of the dying jailer woke the other English, who went on a chase that hunting became poor Anahí, who at the time, was hit by the conquerors. These, in revenge for the death of the guardian, imposed as punishment death at the stake.
tied her to a tree and started the fire, which seemed unwilling to extend their call to the Indian maiden, without murmuring word, suffered in silence, his head tilted to one side. And when the fire began to rise, Anahí was becoming tree, identified with the plant in an amazing miracle. The next morning, the soldiers found the sight of a beautiful tree shining green leaves and velvety red flowers, was shown in all its glory, as the symbol of courage and strength to the suffering. "


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