Monday, February 8, 2010

Para Que Sirve El Quadriderm


continue as explained in the first installment: [..] I stuck in the specified period, as can be seen in figure , content to work in this phase are:
- FCIM (intramuscular coordination MAXIMUM STRENGTH), maintenance of the quality of maximum strength, with a minimum of 1 session every 15 days, more than enough to keep the force levels achieved.
- C. ESP (SPECIFIC POWER CIRCUIT), we will working on a specific circuit, seeking the transfer of the proceeds from general to specific force strength.
- FRLD (FORCE RESISTANCE OF LONG-TERM), introduced at this stage the actual specific work force, ie the specific resistance strength training, which in a simple way could be described as making the gesture of the sport itself specialty, with more resistance than the competition level performance. Given the complexity of the content, we will explain it segment by segment.

To work force endurance swimming, dry distinguish between work and water work.

DRY WORK: RUBBER . Is to reproduce the specific act of swimming, and although there are many different exercises, we present here the simplest and most general of all. Please note in the execution of this exercise:
- high elbow stays high throughout the phase of the drive. .
- The recovery is lower.
- The speed of the gesture should not be excessive, we must control the movement at all times, we must "think of movement."

WORK IN WATER: to work the quality of strength endurance in the water, we can use:
- Swim with shovels.
- Swim with mesh.
- Swim with one arm pull.
- shake legs with short wings long series (+400 m).
- Gum

Methodology for the work of both content :

Although a swimmer or level triathlete combine in the same week several qualities of resistance force, ie not limited to the area labor metabolic threshold aerobic-anaerobic, in our case, and thinking of a triathlete with a limited time only "we'll play" these two areas. The blue shaded area, for work in water, and green for dry operation (gums).

In the next chapter, forms and methods of resistance strength training in cycling and running.


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