Friday, May 14, 2010

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Euro buskins corset which became

In ancient Greek theater, actors wore the buskins to raise his stature, style, her figure, easy viewing of spectators and give the characters look more tragic and epic.

Twenty-five centuries after Sophocles and Aeschylus, a new Greek tragedy represents an amphitheater which includes all of Europe. The difference is that while we believe viewers are his players. Some of those who seemed to conduct choirs, have taken a global leadership in recent weeks.

is the case of our Prime Minister, who loves the spotlight, but not the way it is playing in recent days.

At the start of six-month presidency of the European Union, Zapatero had to use it to promote their image, forget the national troubles and glitter in the international arena with their favorite performances: Alliance of Civilizations, 0.7% of aid to Third world unconditionally support a Palestinian state immediately, embrace solidarity with dictatorships like Cuba and Venezuela protodictaduras populist, interpretation of "Robin Hood" of the Heads of Government (despite his continued favors the richest among the rich in Spain ) Fight global warming ...

Zapatero, before the astonished expression of Heads of State and Government Europeans, even said that his role as President (in office) Laue would bring Europe out of the crisis!

To play a role which he regarded as the best of his political life, had put on the high and solid buskin European Union. Five months later, none of their performances no longer be a complete failure. Not only that, but other key players and some spectators interested and influential as Barack Obama, he has been forced to completely change the tone of his interpretation. Those

buskins the presidency you have set as having more spikes on the soles to the carpet of a fakir. Has taken decisions have been taken by his political rivals, he would have labeled the attacks on society, bombing of the welfare state, of spoliation of the poor at the hands of the rich, class warfare, frontal attack on workers of historical injustice, solidarity annihilation of ...
The European Union has become a corset for our President. Has been prevented from increasing public spending and forced him to take a good dose of reality, which are already taking long-million unemployed people he considered a fad instead of understanding that is the agonizing cry of a country much to change if you no longer return to the level immediately prior to prosperity, but just do not fall into a black hole that lasts one or two generations, and many legislatures govern who governs.

Who would have thought that liberals believe we have something to thank Obama. And although the measures they are still insufficient patches, leaving open the door for many start to see that this is the crisis more seriously than they thought.

And luckily, but we do not have to Thatcher, we have a Merkel.

-Angela, do you see it as black as me?
"Sure. As no hustler, tickets 20 euros will not serve either wrapping pa chestnuts.

Coda: I read some columnists and bloggers who are glad the evil drink that Zapatero is to implicitly recognize their cuts, which had for years been wrong. I'm not glad. I know that this humiliation will cause anger ZP will soon see (to prepare the PP with the theme Gürtel and others who are going to start out) and will mean a rise in social tension to distract from economic . I'm glad you go wrong because ZP still has the upper hand and is not resigning or advance the elections, backward, right now is more complicated than the forward. The more you feel humbled (and I bet his face the other day in Congress, he feels very humbled) will be more brutal rancor.


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