Monday, September 27, 2010

Kate Playground Hardcore Rare

Teresa of Calcutta, the angel of hell.

was one of the most successful propaganda campaigns and apologetic for the Catholic Church in the twentieth century, while his image is still associated understood in Christian charity, which is to love the poor so much you want to continue enjoying their poverty so that you still love them, so do not question the system that keeps in misery and want to end poverty by promoting social justice, but to silence your conscience giving what you have left.

media fame of Mother Teresa of Calcutta remains unchanged even today, perhaps because he sacrificed some of the time you spent on the less fortunate to spend with rich and famous as Lady Di or alternating with dictators as "Baby Doc" Duvalier. That is why few have dared to denounce what was beneath the surface and to show the other side of Mother Teresa. One of them was Christopher Hitchens in his documentary Hell's Angel, now and for the first time we can do with English subtitles.

More information on the blog of Advanced .

Other videos strongly recommended Atheist Forum:

Interview with Fernando Vallejo.

criminal history of Christianity.

inspiring words Carl Sagan.

Sam Harris: the science of morality.

David Cronenberg, about religion and atheism. Interview

MosterĂ­n Jesus.

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