Saturday, December 11, 2010

Cuticle Infection Pedicures

Vargas Llosa received the Nobel speech Drivers

It will take many years until a liberal volume and back again will provide a forum such as the Nobel media to say a few truths well said. The Swedish Academy, so fond of political correctness (ie, the dominant goodism is just a mask over collectivism that prevails everywhere), has desecrated the common sense giving peace prizes to people like the murderer Arafat, the manipulator Al Gore, Obama just released or a UN organization where the worst dictatorships are so represented as the best democracies and are allowed to treat the latter first face to face, as if its legitimacy were the same.

Many times, Nobel economics prize has also led his share of ideological indoctrination, as that was the award to Paul Krugman. Even the Nobel Prize for Literature has meant the most rabid promotion of collectivism to be awarded to writers who, regardless of artistic merit were strong proponents of outdated ideologies (the recently deceased José Saramago is the closest example to our culture).

Over a period of brilliance, the two Nobel prizes have gone to the biggest impact this year on two figures who oppose statism: Chinese dissident Liu Xiaobo, absent in the award by the minutiae of being imprisoned Asian giant's regime, and the Peruvian Mario Vargas Llosa and English. When we have been enjoying a powerful speech and without cracks, brave and strong as it leaves us as priceless as these paragraphs?
Camus and Orwell [I taught], that ura literat devoid of morals is inhumane and Malraux that heroism and epic fit now as much as at the time of the Argonauts, the Odyssey and the Iliad.

Like all ages have had their horrors, ours is the fans, that of suicide bombers, ancient species killing convinced that paradise is gained, the blood of the innocent lava collective affronts, injustice and imposes corrects the truth about false belief. Countless victims are sacrificed each day at various locations around the world who feel possessors of absolute truths. We thought that with the collapse of totalitarian empires, coexistence, peace, pluralism, human rights, would be imposed and the world would back the holocausts, genocides, invasions and wars of extermination. None of that has happened. Proliferate new forms of barbarism fueled by fanaticism
must stand in their way, confront and defeat . Not many, but the sound of their crimes reverberate around the globe and we are overwhelmed with horror the nightmares they cause. We must not be intimidated by those who would take away the freedom we have been winning in the long feat of civilization. defend liberal democracy, with all its limitations, still means pluralism political , coexistence, tolerance, human rights, respect criticism, law, free elections, the alternation power, everything that has gone feral life drawing
In my youth, like many writers of my generation, was a Marxist and believed socialism would be the remedy for the exploitation and social injustice .[...] My disappointment of statism and collectivism, and my transition to liberal Democrat and I am [...] was long, difficult , and carried out slowly and following the conversion episodes as the Cuban Revolution , I was excited at first, the vertical and authoritarian model of the Soviet Union, the testimony of dissidents who managed to slip through the barbed wire the Gulag, the invasion of Czechoslovakia by Warsaw Pact countries, thanks to thinkers like Raymond Aron , Jean-François Revel, Isaiah Berlin and Karl Popper,
dictatorships have less than before, only Cuba and its candidate to go along, Venezuela, and some clowns populist and pseudo-democracies such as Bolivia and Nicaragua.
is regrettable that democratic governments, instead of setting an example, in solidarity with those who, as the Ladies in White in Cuba, the Venezuelan-resistant, or Aung San Suu Kyi and Liu Xiaobo, who e ACING with temerity to dictatorships who suffer be displayed often complacent not to them but with their executioners . Those brave, fighting for their freedom, also fighting for ours. [...]
the English transition from dictatorship to democracy has been one of the best stories of modern times,

Hopefully nationalism, incurable plague the modern world and also Spain, do not spoil this happy story.
hate all forms of nationalism, ideology, or, rather, religion provincial, short flight, exclusive, that trims the intellectual horizon and hides in its bosom ethnic and racial prejudices, it becomes the supreme value, in moral privilege and ontological, the happenstance of birth rather than . Along with
religion, nationalism has been the cause of the worst slaughters of history,

Ladies and gentlemen, with you, the Nobel Prize in Literature 2010, His Excellency, Mario Vargas Llosa. Read, enjoy and reflect.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Stroke Timeline For Arm Movement

uncontrolled essential and a government willing to do anything

64 d. \u200b\u200bIn C. four districts of Imperial Rome were razed to the ground in flames. Seven others were severely affected by the terrible fire (then Rome consisted of fourteen districts).

There were two main consequences of the devastation:

1) The orchestrated the first large-scale persecution against a recent rise sect whose members believe in one god that would have been embodied in Judea would have been crucified under Roman authority and would have risen on the third day of his death .

2) The Emperor Nero was able to order the erection of monuments that reflected his megalomania, particularly Domus Aurea.

Since then, much has been speculated that Nero himself promote fire. The arts have been neat to represent the successor to Claudio contemplating the disaster while playing the lyre or the harp.

Twenty centuries later, a ruler who has always boasted of his character dialogue, has been the first to declare a state of alarm in the English democracy. The decree is the militarization of various utilities and the impossibility of dissolving the Parliament and call elections. The "surprise? absence of the drivers in their jobs is motivated by a decree passed on the first day of the bridge most important holiday of the year, the most traffic (and any) generated.

Was it necessary or wise to adopt the decree just before the bridge? Approval in a week would have meant the same legal effect but the absence of discomfort in a sensitive moment. A wildcat strike (and illegal) next weekend would not have been a disorder comparable to the present, even if he had been to militarize the drivers also.

I have little desire to defend a monopoly collective and fatal tendency to blackmail, as I find the drivers. In fact, my doubts on the subject from everything seem only to defend the government's action. Knowing how the Government spends worst of English democracy and its propensity to smoke screens, shock effect and factual breach of the law current their own benefit, why not suspicious?

Especially given the attitude of "Talleyrand-Rubalcaba" in his last appearance, with that resounding "this does not happen again, I guarantee" . The fact that he has been willing to sign the Cucumber both above and take power in a future breast having fulfilled its commitment, it sounds like yet another springboard for the inheritance of a silent Zapatero and inexplicably disappeared, so he likes to surprise public opinion with these demonstrations of authority, as when he ordered the cowardly and pseudo-legal withdrawal of English troops in Iraq after being promised the job (and a Bono had done the same with the post of defense minister despite the warrant as such.)

The spiral blind and selfish drivers is described by one of them, Francisco Capella collaborator Digital Freedom this column and this one .

driver's position appears more or less outlined in this blog of a writer trapped in a London airport and this one from an air traffic controller language pedestrian and irate. Of course, there are sites more "official" and, where we found this video of President Aena in the Senate saying the opposite of what the decree stipulated Cucumber Friday. Concerning

blog linking to the air traffic controller, Cristina Anton, catches the attention of the blog reality in contrast to some of their complaints. He claims that because the government Decretazo so far this year, could not see his mother more than five days although they have operated on 3 occasions to his mother. If we believe his version, we see it as a slave ruthlessly exploited, forced to give her private life without the possibility of having free time and get sick, driven to do double or even triple shifts, working almost 2 days followed and a number of industrial disasters which certainly put us on their side.

But the funny thing is it started the blog on August 29 and already has 130 entries ... In 98 days! Which is almost an inning and a half a day. With an average size of 3 pages per entry, in word and letter size 12, we're talking about that in just 3 months he has written nearly 500 page s all a soap opera. And most striking is that its activity blogger during the crisis of the past 48 hours was frantic , with 15 entries! And dozens of comments responding to the comments of its entries. O is low (which according to her it can not) or not in your job or if he writes like a beast while guiding the aircraft with the other hand. Why had not engaged in writing this good woman, hero of the correct use of language and good manners and victim victimísima ?

But as I said above, though the Zapatero Government seems to have taken the decision more socially accepted his presidency (if any, together with the removal of "Malena" and Moratinos Bibiana) does not seem all as white or black, as the media (including the most critical of the government) take for granted.

The issue is on the fragile legality of the declaration of a state of alarm and bravado salvapatrias Pepe Blanco, who have generated a series of dark corners in the legal drivers that caused just what is supposed to want to avoid: a wildcat strike by these.

Issues and return in a next post, when you could read my orders more seriously. Zeno of Elea

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Stevia Japan What Is The Harm Of Stevia Herb?

Zapatero Achilles and the tortoise of the crisis

, wanting to support the doctrine of Parmenides on the illusory world of sense, he established his famous paradox of Achilles and the tortoise. The tragic Greek hero running against a tortoise which, by their vanity and excessive confidence in his speed, leaving substantial advantage. Zeno argued that Achilles in his aporia would never reach the tortoise, as long as there was space travel between him and her, the tortoise would have advanced a further distance.

Centuries later, the calculus desvencijaría falsídica paradox of Elea. But the elegant disciple of Parmenides' reasoning can draw a curious parallel with the endless economic crisis and the disastrous actions of the Government of Spain.

Zapatero, full of pride, love with himself, he denied the crisis first, he tried to endless dialectical intricacies hide later and finally blamed the bad guys (Bush, Aznar, "markets" and speculators) and prophesied his impending doom. In fact, almost went from denying its existence to ensure that he was referring. Flatly refused to fight, because that meant accepting and eat his words ( something that usually does not cost too , but in this case it because he knew that meant giving in to the "dictatorship of the market"). When I forced his hand, he did late populist measures.

During that time, not less than a year and a half, Achilles Zapatero has given a lot of advantage to the crisis, as the broker of the paradox was with the turtle. First in May and now again at the end of the year, Zapatero reluctantly and under tremendous international pressure has reneged on its much-publicized ideals to approve the measures that have been effective against crisis three years ago. Some of them involve only the removal of decisions that worsened the situation worse deficit (the supposed return of 400 euros by the Treasury, the 2,500 euros per child and the 426 euros for long-term unemployed, lethal force for the country very effective but at election for PSOE).

Lo and behold, when the mighty Achilles Zapatero has traveled this stretch of involves taking these measures both costs you take ... Turtle of the crisis has taken another stretch more, leaving his competitor again delayed .

And is that necessary actions and current May December have only served to buy some time and allow the risk premium cheaper English public debt with the invincible German bund. That is, do not get to tackle the crisis, only to continue funding a state that bleeds in the irresponsible waste of seventeen autonomous regions, as capricious and arrogant in their spending as beggars and victims in their demands for more money. Unfortunately

for us, and Zapatero is the heroic Achilles swift-footed and daring unparalleled crisis or a turtle is slow and calm, more like a herd of bison that used to come from the front, but now runs over us without mercy.

One of the essential characteristics of a good ruler is stay ahead of developments. Someday Zapatero should consider how the crisis has done the opposite. It has always been in tow, the first carried away by the stupid pride of "it could not be happening to him" and then not wanting to admit that he and his policies, far from a solution or vaccine, were precisely the problem severe, more dangerous strain of the virus crisis. Zapatero forced improvisation makes only a half-empty oxygen cylinder . It's about time running out, but we will keep under water when I do. What's next? Abolishing PER and its many substitutes? "Fewer councils? Layoffs of public officials? "Limit by law the government deficit as now proposed Rajoy?

All these measures likely in the future and those already taken, would have been a good protection against crises, or at least a good way to limit their damage five years ago, or at least to beginning of the current term, when the recent electoral victory legitimized a moderate reformist. Now, they're patches. The deterioration of the situation is such that what was effective is now only a jolt of electricity that stimulates transiently the dying. Just as a bone marrow transplant can save the life of a leukemia patient if done in time, but not when it is left that evil is unleashed widespread metastasis in many other tissues.

Zapatero will delay by three years at least. If Spain has a fit of lucidity, the most he can lose is the chair. The English, in the best case, we may have lost a decade.