Sunday, December 5, 2010

Stroke Timeline For Arm Movement

uncontrolled essential and a government willing to do anything

64 d. \u200b\u200bIn C. four districts of Imperial Rome were razed to the ground in flames. Seven others were severely affected by the terrible fire (then Rome consisted of fourteen districts).

There were two main consequences of the devastation:

1) The orchestrated the first large-scale persecution against a recent rise sect whose members believe in one god that would have been embodied in Judea would have been crucified under Roman authority and would have risen on the third day of his death .

2) The Emperor Nero was able to order the erection of monuments that reflected his megalomania, particularly Domus Aurea.

Since then, much has been speculated that Nero himself promote fire. The arts have been neat to represent the successor to Claudio contemplating the disaster while playing the lyre or the harp.

Twenty centuries later, a ruler who has always boasted of his character dialogue, has been the first to declare a state of alarm in the English democracy. The decree is the militarization of various utilities and the impossibility of dissolving the Parliament and call elections. The "surprise? absence of the drivers in their jobs is motivated by a decree passed on the first day of the bridge most important holiday of the year, the most traffic (and any) generated.

Was it necessary or wise to adopt the decree just before the bridge? Approval in a week would have meant the same legal effect but the absence of discomfort in a sensitive moment. A wildcat strike (and illegal) next weekend would not have been a disorder comparable to the present, even if he had been to militarize the drivers also.

I have little desire to defend a monopoly collective and fatal tendency to blackmail, as I find the drivers. In fact, my doubts on the subject from everything seem only to defend the government's action. Knowing how the Government spends worst of English democracy and its propensity to smoke screens, shock effect and factual breach of the law current their own benefit, why not suspicious?

Especially given the attitude of "Talleyrand-Rubalcaba" in his last appearance, with that resounding "this does not happen again, I guarantee" . The fact that he has been willing to sign the Cucumber both above and take power in a future breast having fulfilled its commitment, it sounds like yet another springboard for the inheritance of a silent Zapatero and inexplicably disappeared, so he likes to surprise public opinion with these demonstrations of authority, as when he ordered the cowardly and pseudo-legal withdrawal of English troops in Iraq after being promised the job (and a Bono had done the same with the post of defense minister despite the warrant as such.)

The spiral blind and selfish drivers is described by one of them, Francisco Capella collaborator Digital Freedom this column and this one .

driver's position appears more or less outlined in this blog of a writer trapped in a London airport and this one from an air traffic controller language pedestrian and irate. Of course, there are sites more "official" and, where we found this video of President Aena in the Senate saying the opposite of what the decree stipulated Cucumber Friday. Concerning

blog linking to the air traffic controller, Cristina Anton, catches the attention of the blog reality in contrast to some of their complaints. He claims that because the government Decretazo so far this year, could not see his mother more than five days although they have operated on 3 occasions to his mother. If we believe his version, we see it as a slave ruthlessly exploited, forced to give her private life without the possibility of having free time and get sick, driven to do double or even triple shifts, working almost 2 days followed and a number of industrial disasters which certainly put us on their side.

But the funny thing is it started the blog on August 29 and already has 130 entries ... In 98 days! Which is almost an inning and a half a day. With an average size of 3 pages per entry, in word and letter size 12, we're talking about that in just 3 months he has written nearly 500 page s all a soap opera. And most striking is that its activity blogger during the crisis of the past 48 hours was frantic , with 15 entries! And dozens of comments responding to the comments of its entries. O is low (which according to her it can not) or not in your job or if he writes like a beast while guiding the aircraft with the other hand. Why had not engaged in writing this good woman, hero of the correct use of language and good manners and victim victimísima ?

But as I said above, though the Zapatero Government seems to have taken the decision more socially accepted his presidency (if any, together with the removal of "Malena" and Moratinos Bibiana) does not seem all as white or black, as the media (including the most critical of the government) take for granted.

The issue is on the fragile legality of the declaration of a state of alarm and bravado salvapatrias Pepe Blanco, who have generated a series of dark corners in the legal drivers that caused just what is supposed to want to avoid: a wildcat strike by these.

Issues and return in a next post, when you could read my orders more seriously. Zeno of Elea


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