Wednesday, February 23, 2011

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is common between impostors and tomfoolery talk about his position as a heterodoxy, presenting it as an "alternative science" that is revealed to the realistic dogmatism "official" science "never understood what they mean with that" official "- defender of materialism, rationalism, scientism, corseted, inquisitorial, guilty of all evils in the world.

The story rather the opposite: it was the naturalist and materialist vision of the world's heterodox, which he has always been possible, has rebelled against the prevailing idealism advocated by religion and other branches of government, always paying consequences. This is the case of Nicholas of Autrecourt a theologian and philosopher born in medieval France.

copied below some interesting excerpts from the "History of materialist philosophies" of Charbonnat:

"After studying theology, Nicholas Autrecourt (1295/1298-1369) became professor of the Faculty of Arts Paris. At the initiative of Benedict XII, papal justice so importunate in 1340, calling him to Avignon immediately after the publication of his treatise exigent Ordo. must respond to the positions taken before a commission that examines each of their texts. Examination hard inquisitorial six years, during which Nicholas is imprisoned. Finally retracts and agree to condemn some of the propositions extracted from his works and their courses. On November 20, 1347, sentencing is: you are forbidden to reside and teach in Paris, is sentenced to burn his work and loses his title of professor of theology. Ends its life in Metz, held, as dean of the cathedral chapter. Catholic censorship has left us only a few of his texts: the philosophical treatise exigent Ordo (begun around 1330), a dispute over the beatific vision, and three letters of correspondence. The exigent Ordo

explicitly challenge, through the arguments of materialism old creationist dogma. Not content with putting in doubt a sly form a creation ex nihilo evoking the eternity of the world, to demonstrate the impossibility, both logical and ontological, that produces non-self being. "

" The truth is In any case, this maverick defends a material almost identical to that of antiquity. Ultimately depends on two assumptions, one ontological and other software, which together tend to show that "nothing, nothing comes up." Unfortunately, the attempt remains isolated and easily aborted because of the expeditious enforcement of the church. The philosopher seems to produce an overflow materialist quickly frustrated and have no future. Its suppression shows, a contrario, that the emergence of a current follower of the old materialism is impossible in the ideological context of this time (and a fortiori a current innovative materials). Heterodox materialism, durable and practical, it is therefore impossible for the clergy suppresses any tendency of independence. "


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Monday, February 14, 2011

Period Ended And Started Again Three Days Later


In order to synthesize their provisions on these issues and forward them to his disciples in a simple, Epicurus summed up his philosophy in four formulas known as "quadruple tetrapharmakos priest set by Philodemus as follows:
"We should not fear God, death should not worry; and while it is easy to obtain, evil is easier to bear. "
Nothing should, therefore, bind and chain humanity, this can tame everything, including their own fears.

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Sunday, February 13, 2011

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Evolution and Intelligent Design.

our Ivoox channel, primarily for their own use because I love having the full mp3 device of this type of content, but also with the intention of sharing and dissemination, without further encouragement to recognize the informative work that is being carried out. And as we pass the Darwin Day that better than a couple of lectures on the evolution of species, given by Dr. Carolina Martinez Pulido, Professor in the Department of Plant Biology ULL.

Description: The theory of evolution described by Darwin was a real revolution in biology, removing it permanently from the bottomless pit of the pseudo-theological philosophy and turning it into a science with a capital. Noting the phylogenetic relationship between all living beings and deny the separation between humans and other animals, the final break with religious mythological explanation: creation and fixity separate ... thing that has not been forgiven in some sectors religious fundamentalist creationist pseudoscience advocates.

Description: Complete the previous lecture Professor Martínez Pulido focuses this time on creationist pseudo-scientific doctrine, which attempts to disguise in recent times under the banner of intelligent design.

These conferences are part of the cycle science and pseudoscience, a course of scientific and critical analysis of the pseudo-sciences, offered by the University of La Laguna since 2001. Can see a video here: ---

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Saturday, February 12, 2011

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"Does God exist?" Do you sense today to ask that question?

"No. The word" God "is like" chuchuchu "does not mean anything.

This is Jesus says Mosterín a questionnaire published in the journal Philosophy Today , which aims to popularize philosophical thought and in its first issue shows a striking cover in which envisages: , Does God Exist?. Interesting initiative, we wish the best of luck and hope that the desire informative not make them lose rigor.

Related: Interview with Jesus

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Sunday, February 6, 2011

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Photo Juan Carlos A. Paesani ( and ) Images from Serrano Forest Recreational Park - Protected Natural Educational Sun River - City of Villa Carlos Paz - Province of Córdoba - Argentina - Dates of Photographs: Sunday February 6, 2011 approximately 12:00 hours

Saturday, February 5, 2011

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Miguel Brieva.

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Friday, February 4, 2011

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Ambam: The gorilla that walks like humans.

Things to think ....

Ambam is a silverback gorilla, 21, who lives in a zoo in Kent (southern England) which has become an internet sensation thanks to a 18-second video in which he is seen walking like a human. The film has already had over 300,000 YouTube page visits since it was posted last week by the heads of the Aspinall Foundation, organization that runs the Port Lympne Wild Animal Park, the zoo where she resides Ambam for some 14. ----

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Tuesday, February 1, 2011

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Ten Discoveries That Changed the World. FAQ

A conference enjoyable and Manuel Lozano Leyva, uploaded to our Ivoox channel, which we are collecting audio that seems interesting to share for themselves and overall enjoyment.


Professor Atomic and Nuclear Physics at the University of Sevilla, Manuel Lozano Leyva, star in the series "scientific presence at the University Cadiz. In his presentation, "D. .. iez scientific discoveries that changed the world view," A review of the 10 findings, which in his view, have marked the development of scientific development. The findings presented:

1. Galaxies: from Ptolemy to Hubble.
2. Plate tectonics: Alfred Wegener.
3. The Origin of Species: Darwin and Wallace.
4. The blood flow: from Aristotle to William Harvey.
5. Rosetta Stone: Jean-François Champollion.
6. Microorganisms: Anton van Leeuwenhoek.
7. Genes: From Aristotle to Mendel.
8. Atoms: from Democritus to Lavoisier and Dalton.
9. The centromeres.
10. El cero


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