Tuesday, February 1, 2011

How To Skip A Period On Yasmin

Ten Discoveries That Changed the World. FAQ

A conference enjoyable and Manuel Lozano Leyva, uploaded to our Ivoox channel, which we are collecting audio that seems interesting to share for themselves and overall enjoyment.


Professor Atomic and Nuclear Physics at the University of Sevilla, Manuel Lozano Leyva, star in the series "scientific presence at the University Cadiz. In his presentation, "D. .. iez scientific discoveries that changed the world view," A review of the 10 findings, which in his view, have marked the development of scientific development. The findings presented:

1. Galaxies: from Ptolemy to Hubble.
2. Plate tectonics: Alfred Wegener.
3. The Origin of Species: Darwin and Wallace.
4. The blood flow: from Aristotle to William Harvey.
5. Rosetta Stone: Jean-François Champollion.
6. Microorganisms: Anton van Leeuwenhoek.
7. Genes: From Aristotle to Mendel.
8. Atoms: from Democritus to Lavoisier and Dalton.
9. The centromeres.
10. El cero


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