Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Effects Of Shrooms On The Brain Swelling

Nothingness. The impossible materialism

If you are atheist you believe that the universe was created out of nothing?. Is a question that often occur with some frequency in debates between atheists and believers, true that the topic lends itself to this, but is surprising because the question almost always comes from fans religions of Christian tradition.

The origin of the universe remains an unsolved riddle, and an atheist can believe the universe came from nothing or has always existed. Are those who believe in gods "creators" who must explain how the traffic can be thought of "non-being" to "be." The creation out of nothing or "creatio ex nihilo" is also a Christian dogma, as you can see going to any catechism, which it seems, Christians themselves do not usually do.

The failure to create out of nothing is an argument for atheism, for example, is one of the main arguments of Sébastien Faure in "Twelve evidence of the absence of God " :

With nothing, nothing can be done and nothing, nothing can not be obtained and Lucretius's famous aphorism "ex nihilo nihil" is a certainty and obvious evidence. The creative gesture is a gesture impossible to admit, is absurd. Creating is thus a mystical-religious expression that may be of some value in the eyes of people who believe what place do not understand and whom faith is more necessary at the very least understand it. It is, however, a contradiction to every individual cultured and wise, for whom words have no more value than they have gained touch with reality or a possibility.

Consequently, the hypothesis of a Being truly creative is a hypothesis which rejects reason. Being creative does not exist, can not exist. Sébastien Faure

mentioned here the principle "nothing comes from nothing" that is typical of the materialist philosophy since antiquity, and not in vain Faure Lucretius mentioned in this passage, philosopher, follower of Epicurus atomistic tradition , one of the most paradigmatic representatives of this current and perhaps the first to formulate this aphorism as valid then as now. ---

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