Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Front Panel Audio Jack With Audigy Se

auto_install FFmpeg on Mac OS X

This entry is a break from the previous post and that I will later (the explanation of the LSB method to hide information in pictures) ... The posting because I had this information written As I have not written anything, I did not leave without reading a while lol ...

Thus, I will describe the installation of FFmpeg in Mac OS X and the steps required to do so and additional resources used.

Importantly FFmpeg is a collection of free software that can record, convert and makes streaming audio and video (used in Windows, Linux, Mac OS or other operating systems) ... Mind you, we utlized a FFmpeg libraries to manipulate our videos from programming in C (libavcodec and libavformat). For more information about FFmpeg can give click here . Other library

free and open-source used for handling video (in Java) is Xuggle ... This library is brand new package for the released later this year. Note that Xuggle uses FFmpeg to do such work.

First, instalarmos FFmpeg on Mac OS X 10.5.6 on an Intel MacBook Pro The source of information in this post is on this page: Installing and using FFmpeg on Mac OS X .

The intention to do later is to use the FFmpeg libraries to manipulate each of the frames of a video (hide details) and return to the same.To this video, you need to install are the tools development of apple. Mainly install XCode 3.1 or higher, comes on the DVD included with the Mac or can be downloaded from the Development Tools

apple then install FFmpeg and accessories.

Prerequisites: LAME

Libraries to handle MP3, useful when handling flv videos. FFmpeg does not include an MP3 encoder, because it will use LAME. The installation steps down the source codes are:

1. Create a working directory home :

mkdir ~ / lame
cd ~ / lame

2. Download the sources from SourceForge . The file has a name like lame-398-2.tar.gz or something similar. Keep them in the new directory created (step 1).

3. Decompress the source, using this command (you have to be inside the folder lame):

tar xvzf lame-398-2.tar.gz

4. Decompression creates a new folder : lame-398-2 in which you have to go and continue with the three typical installation command. To do so, write these commands

cd lame-
398-2. / Configure

make sudo make install

Each command takes about a minute to complete. We must be alert for errors that are generated, but LAME is usually error-free installation.

Installing FFmpeg on Mac OS X 10.5.6

will install the latest version of FFmpeg. (Versions 3.1 or higher are included Xcode subversion , no need to install Fink ). The installation steps are:

1. Create a working directory

mkdir ~ / ffmpeg
cd ~ / ffmpeg

2. Download the latest version of FFmpeg svn path (in our case the data were reviewed 17,451).

svn checkout svn: / / svn.ffmpeg.org / ffmpeg / trunk ffmpeg cd ffmpeg

3. Then configure and make

. / Configure - enable-libmp3lame - enable-shared - disable-mmx

make sudo make install

parameter - disable-mmx not Power PC is required. If left on an Intel Mac, you will probably get some compile errors, but this will provide speed. Congratulations

have FFmpeg installed in our Mac With this you can manipulate audio and video (see tutorial ) and better yet we can use the libraries do.

To verify correct installation simply open the Cosola and write


The output should look like this

FFmpeg version SVN-r17451, Copyright (c) 2000-2009 Fabrice Bellard, et al.
configuration: - enable-libmp3lame - enable-shared - disable-mmx libavutil 49.14
. 0 / 49.14.
0 libavcodec 52.16. 0 / 52.16.
0 libavformat 52.29. 1 / 52.29. 1
libavdevice 52. 1. 0 / 52. 1. 0
built on February 19, 2009 2:52:53, gcc: 4.0.1 (Apple Inc. build 5484)
At least one output file
Must Be Specified

A command to view information about a video called Video.avi is:

ffmpeg-i video.avi

After this roll will continue with management and FFmpeg libraries,
Greetings to all.

Mac OS X


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