Monday, June 28, 2010

Blueprints For Hot Tub My Sims

POSADAS XXII. "IRON ballooners"

Well yes sir, this triathlon I have proclaimed ballooners world champion, I will hold title to next year's edition that I remove the thorn from me retired for the first time in a triathlon.

the day was hot and Loren and myself headed bright and early to Posadas, lunch at a taper along the way and just in time for pick up the dorsal, put the bike on the bus and go to the swamp where it would exit Hornachuelos. Although I was confident that he would "chilly" in Posadas to a heat of hell, we Graditas 40 or so, and as the age Globers output was at 17.30 and the elite at 15.30, as Worldwide there from 15.00 in the sun.

PHOTO. Loren and Rafael Cobo de Cádiz, again competing.

But as one is cautious and qualified globero, had prepared my cooler on the beach with their boats in Aquarius, ice and chilly water made more bearable heat prior to departure, in addition to the 2 boats ready bike with cold water so they were drinking at the time of drinking. Elite were out, girls g. age, girls elite and finally us. The swamp water was not as cold as other years, which was appreciated, and therefore Loren and I we felt like the heat was beginning to bite. So with time we decided to put on the suit, and here the first cherry pm:

- Loren, "Quill, I shit on the dead, I was wrong and I caught your neoprene instead of mine "

gave the circumstance that the previous day swimming in the active Nutri I met who went swimming with a wetsuit old but top range, a size" S ". It bought the neoprene after Quarteira (orca s2 size 8), having lost 5 kgs for more water than the Titanic, which was not very comfortable with him, so Nutri kindly offered me his worn and comfortable neoprene swim in Posadas. I tried it in the pool and chapeau, did not enter any water, rather tight, but better than my neoprene. For by that circumstance, the day of the test is met in the van 3 wetsuits, mine, that of nutrition and Loren. As our friend instead of taking yours, my orc rogue to me that if it is big, imagine Loren:).

Two days ago, Loren and I went swimming a fee, and there I lost a cap and swimming goggles, clear crystals, so for the test day, and ignoring the second time a maximum in competition "The day of the test does not prove anything new," I took a pair of glasses like "competitiveness" of yellow color that had not yet tested and me I took them for testing.

Dan out of the water, well placed on the float along with my colleague William Ferrete, in the final 3 rd overall, with the intention of making the water with him. What is my surprise when at the 100m start, the glasses begin to fog and the bright sunny day giving me the windows saw no milk. So I swam the entire segment in the dark, guided by the white hats who could read and see when I got my cabezita water. Or name of slaps I showered to go by zigzag.

I leave the water with the heart in the mouth, and I look like William is a few meters, trying to take off neoprene and I snagged a sleeve, so I lose another 30 to take it off jiffy. Pillo the bike, and giving time to assemble a leap to put your feet in sneakers that were fastened with rubber bands, and I misjudged to plummet to my noble parts on the hard saddle a severe pain from egg to the tip of the said member and exclaimed to the crowd waiting "Fuck the bitch mother that bore them, ostiaaa."

already mounted on the bike, I put the plate and think, "we juan, here's to bust, and never better. He knew the course, but if he knew he had changed from the previous people were talking about 4 or 5 miles up and then of dangerous bumpy descent (nutri warned me) and so, begin to rise, with 40 degrees of t º, plague a road full of potholes and gravel, and now realizing that I would not have a good day. I get up the first steep slope without losing many positions and the first down, they start to happen a string of potholes that make my ruedones canyon with carbon and 10 kg of pressure begins to throw a "jubalani", causing my two Aquarius boats leave dismissed chilly lost among the weeds of the ditch. Then I thought, "John, you're dead."

PHOTO. Juan Vergara

disheartened and exclaiming from time to time, "when balls are just here to climb, and more and more dry mouth lie down just thinking of something wet in his mouth. In the turning point of the circuit was 40 miles up and up and back up, there was a guy of civil protection with a carafe of water of 5 liters for them, stop, throw the bike down and say, "By glory of your mare, give me water I'm dying here, I've been without water 20 kms, a little more and I like to cap the bottle, in the face of an incredulous judge thought for a moment punished for receiving foreign supplies, but seeing my sorry state, assumed to be of little use because would not finish the race.

As I rode my bike again, and thirst is momentarily turned off when my body started to say, ahhhhh, here I am, and I was going to the last participant, I lacked development (and established that the large plate removed from the beginning) to raise repechitos. As I could reach the town, I dropped the bike, I put my sneakers and tried to run but lasted only 1 km. If he had done, I would be classified, but had been walking, but could not with my body.

PHOTO. The brothers Peña del Puerto.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Pattycake Online Forun


Someday promise to get me a filthy sack concept of "social rights" in place in our society, consistent aberration in believing that the economy is a zero sum game and therefore cooperation is essential in capitalism through fruitful exchanges on the parties, it is impossible and that one wins, another must lose. Curious to criticize capitalism as a selfish when Socialism is the one who always drives to win rights at the expense of another, the real curse of the mainstream.

For now I stop at one of the many manifestations of this filth ideological antisocial strikes, ie, those that harm society, perpetrated by a sector of the population of very small number but with enormous capacity to damage many.

always announcing this or that strike, including the alleged causes we support the topicazos about allegedly "defend social rights and labor," which usually means, as I said at the outset that other less able to harm society, endurance demands and to meet the privileges of a few. If this transfer of some in favor of others does not occur, the strikers threaten to harm, legally or illegally, as many people, not only to the other party to whom the transfer is required, but above all to the company is in the middle, with the hope that it would press for the demands are accepted without question.

unions, these philanthropists job creators have announced a strike on the Madrid Metro for the first 3 days of next week. For us to go more aware users have already said they "might" meet the service least the first day of strike (because they are so in Majete and good people) but that in no way meet the other two days. Ale. With two co ...

As if that were not enough, since it has been since the strike date, the underground is suffering from suspected incidents in performance. Come sospechosísimas like spend two minutes standing at a station to the platforms empty when no one left to get off or go to the coaches. O Paradinha among the tunnels. Or a noticeable slowdown in speed routes. Of course this fact may be caused by traffic issues in other parts of the line. What mosque is that these incidents, mostly casual, are systematic and much more abundant (in a proportion, in my opinion user every day, ten to one) right after the announcement of the strike.

More indicative is that this procedure is nothing covert strike again. I have 7 years living in Madrid and the subway strike is every year at least once, and always do the same. Singularly virulent was the strike (clearly political and electoral) of regional and municipal elections of 2007. With the clear intention of helping to oust Esperanza Aguirre Presidency of the Community Madrid, the strike was concluded on the campaign trail (but not political strikes were unconstitutional?). But is that covert strike lasted weeks, backfire on the heroes of vertical unionism PSOE inherited by his twin ideological brother, Franco. There was more than being in a subway car to listen to people rant against the strikers. I could not count how many votes they gave to their irresponsibility Aguirre association.

now suffer the same. And as I have a long way from home to work, for a minute here, a donkey ride at speed between such and such a stop, a long pause to watch the damp tunnels here and there, I have to leave my house more than a quarter of an hour in advance of my schedules. And from now on strike, you can only get worse. And they are not granted that request, we will continue to strike such covert weeks. And if I'm late a day of work, Metro will not be responsible, claiming that there were no incidents reported and the offender will be me.

then spend our taxes to promote public transport to combat global warming and complain about the irresponsibility of those who travel by car going alone, obviating the comfort that gives you the possibility before semi-public service which is tolerated, if not promoted, the ineptitude of work.

coincidienco Two years ago, with Christmas- there was a strike of subway cleaning workers. So not a few of them decided to mess the subway by the way, for example, turning the full paper (using the credentials for it in terms of their employment have access to Metro and rooms reserved for employees only, despite being on strike .) Further arrived saboteurs poured some oil and other slippery substances on the turnstiles for access. The mages i metro chamber showing falls in elderly people just served for a few minor penalties. You can bet that this time there will be no penalties or any, will be laughable, especially compared to the damage caused to users.

Honestly, every time he goes off on one of these unions are talking about the defense of social rights, is to start trembling. I insist that liberalism is a struggle against unjust privileges, among many other things. Few privileges are counterproductive for the social interest which attaches to these unrepresentative cliques and inexplicably influential in our time.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Bmi For Females In Germany

Times of crisis, times of change "?

"In troubled times, better not to move" , pray conventional wisdom in one of the endless assertions of English proverbs. However, when failure is unavoidable as a custom install, it raised the ideological impresincidible that have led to a crisis that has already lost the adjective "cyclical" and that clearly has the characteristic of endemic and structural.

Many entries in this blog, I defended the idea that it was a great disgrace to Spain that the international financial crisis has caused the final outcropping of our indigenous ills. It was almost as if a serious flu hide the pain caused by metastases. It is logical that the Government wanted to blame others dispersing responsibilities in the international context or blaming it figures that have been anathematize preterit in what Jung called "collective unconscious" (preferably, Bush and Aznar). Less logical and far more unfortunate is that many who do not defend or feel represented by this Government have internalized the superficial explanation that the pain suffered due to this serious flu which we are caught like everyone else and not our disease homeland: socialist statism wherever we look, lack of training at all levels of effort and unpopularity of meritocracy and demonization of competitiveness and the free market.

Despite the black of the situation, I recognize some "green shoots", very different from those in the hallucinations of the Minister of Economy (remember that, next to the infamous day zapateril "Public", said 15 months ago we were already out of the crisis).

Look at this Chinese ideogram:

Both versions are used interchangeably to refer to two concepts: Crisis and Opportunity.

The Liberals believe we carry for several years (a few) and many years (another few more veterans) blamed for our social stagnation, economic and ideological, a number of issues. Namely, the overlapping of administrative levels the renunciation of the effort as a basis for successful state hypertrophy, the inevitable appropriation of general interest by politicians, corruption and political system isntaurado and unappealable, the no separation of powers, the systematic attacks against capitalism, socialism and religion mandatory belief in society, double standards against native religions and in favor of the more destructive versions of the alien, the ambivalence of the facts as to carry out one or the other, the outrageous spending, lack of ideas and further lack of ideology, ignorance as a requisite for a happy existence only in appearance but in fact lazy ...

And that is where I see green shoots timidísimos: in ideas. Had to get an international crisis which we sum in a country for more serious but I finally heard a still small but frequently much higher than ever before, voices criticizing the state of the autonomies. We even have a government of the PSOE which, while recognizing that bound by other-dare to make unpopular cuts . These are tiny changes, probably temporary, but should be used by liberals to insert a wedge solid ideas and systematically ignored because the powerful in Spain (large employers and unions) are not interested in anything that smacks of true capitalism, competition, free markets and equal opportunities. Both sectors are fighting each other, only to pull out legal privileges to each other. Liberalism is, in essence, a struggle against unjust privileges . Therefore, there is nothing more revolutionary liberal.

people when he talks about change, talk of a successor party to another as head of government. So today in Spain, is a little cosmetic change. Disposing of the PP and PSOE real ideological alternative to the real change is starting with the ideas, which spring from individuals who yearn to feel free to pay more than taxes and vote every 4 years to a closed list of parties and freedom- inbred.

green shoots will not germinate without spreading in the most complicated but also more efficient: the word of mouth, or "brain to brain." Our freedom is at stake. Does not worth to fight for it? Undoubtedly, if we keep doing what we're doing, continue getting what you're getting: reduction of individual freedoms, increased statism and government interference in our lives.

's time to try to do something different. It's time to change, but not political stands, but something far more fruitful and powerful: the ideas.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Morongo Casino On Jan 1, 2010


This Saturday, I decided, with only 5 hours of sleep, I woke up at 6.00 am to go to the conference Serrano had prepared our friend Selu. In the end, Selu, Pepin, Antonio Alba, and two compis port cycling club. The route was as follows: the forest-float-popcorn-zahara-pigeon-Boyarin-the forest. A total of 65 kms, which left a good feeling. In my case, I am still bothered by right knee, but I do not have problems Posadas, being so few kms. The climb to the float, tranqui raised me, and climbed all the way to Pepin and A. Alba, watching Selu tightened a bit and went with the two cyclists (whose job it took me no warm up and shoot up after them), but did not want to force, at least in the first port.

Pigeons and down went down we had to remove the brake pads embedded in the tires of Antonio Alba (for the next day saw him going to put a shoe Durace of truck:)). Cafelito Zahara, and Pepin in the bar:
Pepin: "Madam, have you. Old newspapers?"
Lady of the bar: "It's just that I have are English newspapers"
Pepin: "No matter lady, is to wear it in the chest

Rising Zahara already expected that the staff was going to grit my teeth, Selu makes a touch to see how staff responds but it was in jest, and the writer, once passed by the sign for cotton and Zahara, lap up the heart rate monitor pa butt. At the final climb in 37:30, nearly 5 minutes faster than last test by March. Happy, but my knee hurts when I squeeze.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Red / White Cable To Headphone Jack


Last week, Loren, Nutri and I went to the mountains to begin to make contact, they face the Titan and Alpe'duez and me to accompany them. We left from the sale of cross Prado del Rey, the crta. arches of the forest, from there take Prado del Rey, who are 4-5 kms to the average slope, down to the forest behind, climbing boyar (nutrition led me to hook the whole time), down grazalema, Villaluenga plains, benaocaz, lower harbor, the forest and back to the car. 75 kms that are as hard as you want them to do, but more or less than average difficulty.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Discoloration Dog Lip

on cutting the salaries of officials

In most liberal blogs have considered the wage cut the officials as just and necessary measure, but not enough and certainly too late. On several occasions the view is linked to the exposure of many clichés against public employees: vague, plugged, freeloaders, immune to the vagaries of the remaining work mortals ...

officials obviously have a bad press, but seeing it work out preferred English most of working age, seems to be as frowned upon as envied. If they are criticized as much as they crave their status, will not be discussed further with envy that criticism?

In my opinion, in many cases is to give politicians a kick using the back of the officials. Seen in the mass civil service is an example of mismanagement and political corruption, ignoring important issues. One of them is that the status of not a few civil servants, has been achieved after they have invested some of the best years of his life in a tough preparation and no guarantee of success, without detracting from the risk that " a bad day "in a review will ruin the work of years. Another issue is that there is work done by officials who are essential to society and have a fee why most are not willing to fill them (attention to people with varying types and degrees of disabilities, combating organized crime ...).

I am not against the wage cut for civil servants, although I feel that could have been safeguarded for those with a lower salary. From what I am convinced that it would potentially save much more money on a lot more before cutting these salaries: PER, public service broadcasters, the myriad of Public Enterprises, the Provincial ghostly, Plan E, the mass corporate propaganda, the diets of politicians and towering State officials, the unjust and repulsive Pension system of you congressmen and senators ...

For another point of view, I share here an email that reached me as an author who claims to have Gustavo Vidal Manzanares and sure some already know. I do not agree with everything he says, only with some things, but I think it appropriate to provide different insights to a question that perhaps is not as simple as paint many (liberals included).
In 1956, Dolores Middle wrote or "Public official" torn novel which narrates the plight of Paul Marin, an official attached to a miserable wage that malvivía into a dump with his wife. After decades of development, public employee figure of almost indigent transcript of the earnings of Galdós soap opera, was slowly sinking into oblivion.

But in recent days, the sewer neoliberal political and media has been sucking pleasure at the echoes of a possible wage freeze for civil servants. However, nothing could be more unfair to pass the bill this collective crisis.

Thus, in times of economic boil and bricks, formwork could double the salary of a Senior Technical Directors and to ensure that a builder had come home a little less, to join a waiting list and cross your fingers.

While officials lost purchasing power and financial juggling performed with the salary, belching thousands of rednecks, puti-club and rode a construction dandruff and gather five hundred euro banknotes and cards. Legions of young people leave school and left his school books gathering dust while gleaming cars strutted ... officials? Some "Scoundrels, man, a" Scoundrels "... why study?, Why invest?, Why innovate? ... "Spain is going well."

And while many were celebrating their gains from mixed drinks, laughter, rays of coca and "Spain is going well," thousands of men and women had sacrificed their best years with a cup of coffee, a hose and an opposition agenda . With elbows fixed on a table, watching the world parade through the chiaroscuro of a window, awaiting the crucial moment and fearful of the reviews.

Well, now that, as the neoliberals, the effects of these excesses have to pay the "privileged officials", precisely the group that only benefited the economic boom and, of course, did not cause the crisis.
Under this approach no account to ask the banks that lent money without adequate safeguards. Do not think that the obscene profits of speculation ended up in tax havens. Not inquire into municipalities and communities that squandered millions commissioning works that have enriched entrepreneurs absurd. No, no ... all you pay the officials. Yes, civil servants, those "Scoundrels" during the years of false economic splendor. Yes, the judge who sacrificed as little opposition five years in a terrific (aside from the five career) to earn less than many plumbers. Yes, thousands of opponents who had to resort to Lexatin, the police risk their lives by 1500 per month, the auxiliary has not won more than nine ... is that they have to pay for the crisis and are a "privileged" !

Manzanares Gustavo Vidal is a lawyer and writer

"Avaratar" premiere in June at all payroll staff.