Sunday, June 6, 2010

Discoloration Dog Lip

on cutting the salaries of officials

In most liberal blogs have considered the wage cut the officials as just and necessary measure, but not enough and certainly too late. On several occasions the view is linked to the exposure of many clichés against public employees: vague, plugged, freeloaders, immune to the vagaries of the remaining work mortals ...

officials obviously have a bad press, but seeing it work out preferred English most of working age, seems to be as frowned upon as envied. If they are criticized as much as they crave their status, will not be discussed further with envy that criticism?

In my opinion, in many cases is to give politicians a kick using the back of the officials. Seen in the mass civil service is an example of mismanagement and political corruption, ignoring important issues. One of them is that the status of not a few civil servants, has been achieved after they have invested some of the best years of his life in a tough preparation and no guarantee of success, without detracting from the risk that " a bad day "in a review will ruin the work of years. Another issue is that there is work done by officials who are essential to society and have a fee why most are not willing to fill them (attention to people with varying types and degrees of disabilities, combating organized crime ...).

I am not against the wage cut for civil servants, although I feel that could have been safeguarded for those with a lower salary. From what I am convinced that it would potentially save much more money on a lot more before cutting these salaries: PER, public service broadcasters, the myriad of Public Enterprises, the Provincial ghostly, Plan E, the mass corporate propaganda, the diets of politicians and towering State officials, the unjust and repulsive Pension system of you congressmen and senators ...

For another point of view, I share here an email that reached me as an author who claims to have Gustavo Vidal Manzanares and sure some already know. I do not agree with everything he says, only with some things, but I think it appropriate to provide different insights to a question that perhaps is not as simple as paint many (liberals included).
In 1956, Dolores Middle wrote or "Public official" torn novel which narrates the plight of Paul Marin, an official attached to a miserable wage that malvivía into a dump with his wife. After decades of development, public employee figure of almost indigent transcript of the earnings of Galdós soap opera, was slowly sinking into oblivion.

But in recent days, the sewer neoliberal political and media has been sucking pleasure at the echoes of a possible wage freeze for civil servants. However, nothing could be more unfair to pass the bill this collective crisis.

Thus, in times of economic boil and bricks, formwork could double the salary of a Senior Technical Directors and to ensure that a builder had come home a little less, to join a waiting list and cross your fingers.

While officials lost purchasing power and financial juggling performed with the salary, belching thousands of rednecks, puti-club and rode a construction dandruff and gather five hundred euro banknotes and cards. Legions of young people leave school and left his school books gathering dust while gleaming cars strutted ... officials? Some "Scoundrels, man, a" Scoundrels "... why study?, Why invest?, Why innovate? ... "Spain is going well."

And while many were celebrating their gains from mixed drinks, laughter, rays of coca and "Spain is going well," thousands of men and women had sacrificed their best years with a cup of coffee, a hose and an opposition agenda . With elbows fixed on a table, watching the world parade through the chiaroscuro of a window, awaiting the crucial moment and fearful of the reviews.

Well, now that, as the neoliberals, the effects of these excesses have to pay the "privileged officials", precisely the group that only benefited the economic boom and, of course, did not cause the crisis.
Under this approach no account to ask the banks that lent money without adequate safeguards. Do not think that the obscene profits of speculation ended up in tax havens. Not inquire into municipalities and communities that squandered millions commissioning works that have enriched entrepreneurs absurd. No, no ... all you pay the officials. Yes, civil servants, those "Scoundrels" during the years of false economic splendor. Yes, the judge who sacrificed as little opposition five years in a terrific (aside from the five career) to earn less than many plumbers. Yes, thousands of opponents who had to resort to Lexatin, the police risk their lives by 1500 per month, the auxiliary has not won more than nine ... is that they have to pay for the crisis and are a "privileged" !

Manzanares Gustavo Vidal is a lawyer and writer

"Avaratar" premiere in June at all payroll staff.


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