Sunday, October 31, 2010

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From now publish stories and others in my other blog, it shall be no activity in the near future. Greetings. New post

Friday, October 29, 2010

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not be created or destroyed.

is a phrase that leaves it up with some regularity in our chat forum atheist and has a popular predicament: "energy is neither created nor destroyed, only transforms ", also known as the principle of conservation of energy. Curiously, it is a distorted and misused concept, extrapolated from its place in physical laws to the pseudo-metaphysical speculation crazy by some of our commentators , just applying a "spiritual energies", "mental", "vital" or any bullshit like that.

For this reason we share this interesting video, which is precisely the subject of energy conservation from the point of view of physics. It belongs to a great and essential documentary series titled The Mechanical Universe, which , as often happens with these things, little has been aired on TV, but it is accessible and known through the Internet sharing networks like eMule or torrent. It highly recommended, informative, entertaining, with short episodes, easy to digest, and consists of 52 chapters that collect "master classes" taught by Professor David Goodstein of the California Institute of Technology.

Other videos recommended by Atheist Forum: Interview

Mosterín Jesus.

Teresa of Calcutta, the angel of hell.

Interview with Fernando Vallejo.

criminal history of Christianity.

Inspiring by Carl Sagan. Sam

Harris: the science of morality.

David Cronenberg, about religion and atheism. Interview

Mosterín Jesus.

spiritual gurus selling


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Thursday, October 28, 2010

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Some misconceptions about the brain.

Carlos J.
Chat Alvarez, a psychologist at the University of La Laguna.

Other videos recommended by Atheist Forum: Interview

Mosterín Jesus.

Teresa of Calcutta, the angel of hell.

Interview with Fernando Vallejo.

criminal history of Christianity.

Inspiring by Carl Sagan.

Sam Harris: the science of morality.

David Cronenberg, about religion and atheism. Interview

Mosterín Jesus.

spiritual gurus selling


to discuss with us Atheist Forum the best atheist themed chat, in which atheists, agnostics, liberals and free thinkers come together .

sign into chat from the irc-hispano with any irc client, or directly from webchat:

Also from
normas del chat.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

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It breaks the taboo on fractional reserve

Who was going to tell us!
I almost had to rub my eyes when I saw the headline. In fact, I have them all with me in the end it is not an elaborate joke or the star leave immediately deny having said what the news said that he had said.

But first, let us introduce an assumption of reality:

face it: liberals are an absolute minority. Socialism is an ideology rather, is "ideology." Not only the dominant, but has become the system. Has variants and above all different shades, but most world population considered essential state power almost all-powerful "direct" (not only to regulate) the relationships between countries, between social groups and even between individuals. This vision been substituted the God of religion by the God-state, is compounded in terms of economics. The catapult economic misconceptions most of the world population to a sense of insecurity and victimization that makes them beg for protection. Given this fear, people prefer to sacrifice some (or all) of their freedom in exchange for protection (actually, in exchange for a false sense of protection). Socialism provides the false sense and varnished with a heroism violent and hateful. Hatred tends to work more simply and efficiently than any other drive.

But also, within liberalism, the branch "Austrian" also is a minority. Believe that liberalism is a monolithic or one-way flow is a ridiculous naivete. Many liberals are from his conservatism. Others are considered traditional, others have come to liberalism from Christian or Jewish faith, others separate the economic liberalism of the social ... In economic beliefs fragmentation is greater and there are many strong trends with common roots but with branches that grow in different directions and sometimes clashing reach. The "Austroliberalismo" , despite the laudable efforts of some organizations, it is also quite a minority in Spain. There are "many" who claim to know and defend it. Few can be considered true representatives of this trend. (In my case, although I recognize my tendency to consider this branch of liberalism as the most convincing, unashamedly admit my limitations prevent me from considering me a worthy representative of it).

One of the "key ideas" of this branch of liberalism, is on the abolition of fractional reserve banking. In the last quarter century, who probably has made more and more to this idea is a English, Jesus Huerta de Soto. It is known their thesis are answered by the few who stand to discuss. Especially as "revolutionary" would move to a completely different banking system today. Needless to say, the provosts of the current system are those most in circles refuse to consider such action.

For that reason, who could imagine that those who break the taboo on this subject, it would precisely, A GOVERNOR OF CENTRAL BANK IMPORTANT?

've read you well. If you have been bowlegged, you and me both:

Governor Ban co England

supports "eliminating fractional reserve "

There is hope. Surely now you throw up hundreds of static, but the spigot has been opened. Even if ultimately not going anywhere, liberalism has a unique opportunity to defend their ideas. While that be elsewhere, not in Spain. But let's face it: anyone really think that in a socialist country such as ours could prosper a similar debate in the U.S. before. UU. or England?

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Selling spiritual gurus, psychic connections and connections 'scientific'.

Una interesante y divertida conferencia  del novelista y psicologo Ignacio García-Valiño.

Otros vídeos recomendados por Foro Ateo :

Entrevista a  Jesús Mosterín.

Teresa de Calcuta, el ángel del infierno.

Entrevista a Fernando Vallejo.

Historia criminal del cristianismo.

Palabras inspiradoras de Carl Sagan.

Sam Harris: la ciencia of morality.

David Cronenberg, about religion and atheism. Interview

Mosterín Jesus.

to discuss with us Atheist Forum the best atheist themed chat, in which atheists, agnostics, liberals and free thinkers come together.

sign into chat from the irc-hispano with any irc client, or directly from webchat:

Also from
chat rules.

Friday, October 22, 2010

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Rubalcaba What I know

endlessly denied the involvement of the PSOE in the GAL.

I know I covered up, he minimized, made effort to divert attention and when he could not deny it, got out almost unscathed from lying for years.

know I never gave explanations of the goings-on that the "Gang of Interior" perpetrated against those who uncovered the GAL.

I know that during that time were commonly used confidential reports on the private lives of all who stand out in Spain, from people such seemingly irrelevant in politics as the then president of Real Madrid, Ramon Mendoza, to His Majesty Juan Carlos I.

I know the easiest way to obtain, store and use such reports is to be in charge of Forces State Security.

I know most of the arrests of ETA since Rubalcaba is Minister of Interior, have been times when the Government was concerned to divert attention from other issues that compromised their already low popularity.

know someone like Rubalcaba has managed to combine the worst of the "Philip" the brunt of the "shoemaker."

know I would not scruple to use reports and dossiers against enemies from without and from within the government, for example, pressing the President to remove De La Vega or forcing his promotion to President "factual."

I know he is aware that no image of leader as if they do Felipe González Zapatero, and he feels more comfortable in the role of apparent mate, but who is actually send.

I know that each of their acts is intended for the collection, expansion or retention of power. I know that if

felipes survived, you survived a regeneration in the PSOE to end stage Zapatero. Rubalcaba is now, the true core strength of the PSOE.

I know that in times of distress, one prefers to embrace the values \u200b\u200bof life, and Strange is preferred that good to know or in terms of Zapatero, back into the fold of Grupo Prisa to continue this romance with Roures and Mediapro. Rubalcaba

I know you know you need some self-evident truth that from time to time in order to better build their credibility when he lies shamelessly.

know I will not stand idly by waiting for a democratic. And has designed several scenarios and several "solutions" to conserve power.

know who knows that a party can continue in power even longer in the government.

I know that the PP you have so much fear and contempt as he knows how to use one to go and stand as a political victim tolerant of the right cavernous and the other to intimidate political rivals. I know

having an uncontrolled power, we entered a dark age of English democracy even more sinister than any that have lived before.

know that anyone who stands out in Spain is the potential target of personal research. those dossiers will be the day our daily bread, but the only way to detect changes will oinión or conduct of the victims.

I know that in the drawers of desks await Rubalcaba numerous cases of corruption when the PP to explode at the right time before the next elections, especially in view of the regional battle against Aguirre in Madrid.

trick I know that the worst imaginable, and has been designed, studied and valued by Rubalcaba.

I know that what remains of the Zapatero government (whether months, a year or a term or more) will be harder for Spain that has already happened.

Shoemaker died. Welcome to " Rubalquis mo."

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

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I hope you do not. Tribute to Benoit Mandelbrot

In defense of secularism!

Before the visit to Barcelona in a few days, the head of the Catholic Church, we make public our commitment in defense of secularism, a set of values \u200b\u200bthat include freedom of conscience, individual autonomy, separation between the state and the churches of any sign, and the pursuit of justice and the common good of all citizens. Secularism is a relationship framework that allows human beings to live in a more just society based on peaceful coexistence and mutual respect.

However, some of these values \u200b\u200bare still a utopia in our country because it survive privileges that favor some more than others, some beliefs that promote certain interests over the general. This is particularly worrisome when we consider that these ideas also shape the particular world of each other, participate actively and decisively in the political debate to define the model of society we want for everyone, so that this debate is distorted because some organizations have considerable power through illegitimate benefits they get from their privileged relationship with the state.

Many laws of our system law are designed to support religion and religious denominations, but one in particular, or to put it more properly a set of laws that are specifically designed to favor the Catholic Church. The agreements between the English State and the Holy See from 1976 to 1979, called the Concordat agreed in the aftermath of a dying Franco regime to the Vatican State, absolutist and theocratic, were made exclusively for shielding the privileges of the Catholic Church and to avoid difficult political transition to democracy.

These international covenants have become a hindrance in the past to be overcome, because even today determine health freedoms and democracy we want for our country, among other things serve to justify the financing of private beliefs, to promote ideological indoctrination in schools, which should be secular, to conceal offenders charged pedophilia and in the midst of a crisis hits wild families of our workers, to pay lavish expenses as those that entail the visit of the supreme leader of Catholics in our country.

These privileges must end now. It is time to reverse this situation and call loudly and firmly to this injustice. Therefore we demand: That

* Religious beliefs are no longer publicly funded.
* To remove the tax allocation to the Catholic Church through the income tax.
* That schools are no longer used as a platform for ministry. * What religions
stop imposing their moral prejudices the entire society.
* That the clergy pedophiles and their accomplices are brought to justice.
* That the Church no longer hinder the use of condoms to prevent the spread of AIDS.
* Boys and girls are protected against superstition and irrationality.
* That the State fails to promote the charity at the expense of social justice.
* The conduct and public places cease to be chaired by religious symbols.
* That public representatives stop favoring religious groups.
* To respect the right of all people to live according to their sex.
* To recognize the right of women to decide their own body.
* that apostasy is a right recognized by law.

for the repeal of the agreements between the English State and the Holy See!

For the separation of church and state!

In defense of secularism!

More information and schedule of activities Http://


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chat rules.

Monday, October 18, 2010

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Benoît Mandelbrot, is gone forever and noiselessly hardly be mentioned in media, on Thursday October 14 due to pancreatic cancer in Cambridge, Massachusetts, at age 85.

He died a scientist "who cares? , probably will not even know the name of this maverick mathematician who dared to look beyond the regular and smooth shapes of Euclidean geometry and found new dimensions in the roughness of nature, as in own words "Clouds are not spheres, mountains are not cones, coastlines are not circles, the bark is not smooth ... and the lightning travel in straight lines.

In science, particularly in math sometimes hear about the beauty of an equation or a theory, although we find non-specialist audience difficult to perceive the idea of \u200b\u200bbeauty in the cold numbers of a general law or a mathematical operation. Not so with fractals, it is difficult not to associate them with ideas and elegance, harmony and aesthetic appeal as part of their essence.

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But you better bring us to the world of fractal geometry of the hand of his own creator, and that he himself Mandelbrot which we will clarify how all this in one of his last appearances, a talk by TEDTalks we can enjoy subtitled in Castilian:

Fractals and art of how irregular.

few years ago, interviewed by Eduardo Punset in Networks program.

Not everything is smooth in life.


Sign in to discuss with us Atheist Forum the best atheist themed chat, in which atheists, agnostics, liberals and free thinkers come together.

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standards chat.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

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Indeed, in the Gallery tab are some pictures of CHALLENGE 2010. Greetings to all.

Friday, October 1, 2010

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a blue dot. Brief

reissue of a Blue Point program of astronomy, astronautics and space sciences, which makes Astronomical Association Jerezana Border Radio Magallanes. A podcast fun, interesting and informative to recommend from Atheist Forum.

Description: What is the first thing you do if you nominate Ambassador / a UN to welcome the aliens? We speak of an exoplanet 'potentially' habitable. Of astronautics, reminding Tsiolkovsky ... and discover in the very program that we have a robotic observatory in Andalucia (La Sagra) 'governed' from Mallorca. This and more, in a blue dot.

More blog program and from the website of the Astronomical Association Jerezana Magallanes. . Sign

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sign into chat from the irc-hispano with any irc client, or directly from webchat:

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Audiovisual Library of Science and Pseudoscience

From Classroom Cultural Outreach at the University of La Laguna can view and download a video lecture series collected during a university course on science and pseudoscience, 2009.

to discuss with us Atheist Forum the best atheist themed chat, in which atheists agnostics, liberals and free thinkers come together.

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