Friday, October 29, 2010

Is It Bad To Cough With Laryngitis

not be created or destroyed.

is a phrase that leaves it up with some regularity in our chat forum atheist and has a popular predicament: "energy is neither created nor destroyed, only transforms ", also known as the principle of conservation of energy. Curiously, it is a distorted and misused concept, extrapolated from its place in physical laws to the pseudo-metaphysical speculation crazy by some of our commentators , just applying a "spiritual energies", "mental", "vital" or any bullshit like that.

For this reason we share this interesting video, which is precisely the subject of energy conservation from the point of view of physics. It belongs to a great and essential documentary series titled The Mechanical Universe, which , as often happens with these things, little has been aired on TV, but it is accessible and known through the Internet sharing networks like eMule or torrent. It highly recommended, informative, entertaining, with short episodes, easy to digest, and consists of 52 chapters that collect "master classes" taught by Professor David Goodstein of the California Institute of Technology.

Other videos recommended by Atheist Forum: Interview

MosterĂ­n Jesus.

Teresa of Calcutta, the angel of hell.

Interview with Fernando Vallejo.

criminal history of Christianity.

Inspiring by Carl Sagan. Sam

Harris: the science of morality.

David Cronenberg, about religion and atheism. Interview

MosterĂ­n Jesus.

spiritual gurus selling


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