Friday, October 22, 2010

Kate Playground Vacation

Rubalcaba What I know

endlessly denied the involvement of the PSOE in the GAL.

I know I covered up, he minimized, made effort to divert attention and when he could not deny it, got out almost unscathed from lying for years.

know I never gave explanations of the goings-on that the "Gang of Interior" perpetrated against those who uncovered the GAL.

I know that during that time were commonly used confidential reports on the private lives of all who stand out in Spain, from people such seemingly irrelevant in politics as the then president of Real Madrid, Ramon Mendoza, to His Majesty Juan Carlos I.

I know the easiest way to obtain, store and use such reports is to be in charge of Forces State Security.

I know most of the arrests of ETA since Rubalcaba is Minister of Interior, have been times when the Government was concerned to divert attention from other issues that compromised their already low popularity.

know someone like Rubalcaba has managed to combine the worst of the "Philip" the brunt of the "shoemaker."

know I would not scruple to use reports and dossiers against enemies from without and from within the government, for example, pressing the President to remove De La Vega or forcing his promotion to President "factual."

I know he is aware that no image of leader as if they do Felipe González Zapatero, and he feels more comfortable in the role of apparent mate, but who is actually send.

I know that each of their acts is intended for the collection, expansion or retention of power. I know that if

felipes survived, you survived a regeneration in the PSOE to end stage Zapatero. Rubalcaba is now, the true core strength of the PSOE.

I know that in times of distress, one prefers to embrace the values \u200b\u200bof life, and Strange is preferred that good to know or in terms of Zapatero, back into the fold of Grupo Prisa to continue this romance with Roures and Mediapro. Rubalcaba

I know you know you need some self-evident truth that from time to time in order to better build their credibility when he lies shamelessly.

know I will not stand idly by waiting for a democratic. And has designed several scenarios and several "solutions" to conserve power.

know who knows that a party can continue in power even longer in the government.

I know that the PP you have so much fear and contempt as he knows how to use one to go and stand as a political victim tolerant of the right cavernous and the other to intimidate political rivals. I know

having an uncontrolled power, we entered a dark age of English democracy even more sinister than any that have lived before.

know that anyone who stands out in Spain is the potential target of personal research. those dossiers will be the day our daily bread, but the only way to detect changes will oinión or conduct of the victims.

I know that in the drawers of desks await Rubalcaba numerous cases of corruption when the PP to explode at the right time before the next elections, especially in view of the regional battle against Aguirre in Madrid.

trick I know that the worst imaginable, and has been designed, studied and valued by Rubalcaba.

I know that what remains of the Zapatero government (whether months, a year or a term or more) will be harder for Spain that has already happened.

Shoemaker died. Welcome to " Rubalquis mo."


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