Saturday, December 26, 2009

Front Camera Nokia E71

I want to show an initiative that I want to put in place for those interested, soon upload a similar analysis in the aero position.

NOTE: For better observation, the video is slowed down, the rider pedaled at a rate of 90 rpm .


- the rider was filmed on roll, with a resistance development and enabling it to maintain a cadence of 90 rpm.
- When a rider is placed reflective markers on the body segments to be analyzed.
- The first filming was done with the measures we use to mount normally, ie without changing any measure or component bicycle, which in this case are as follows:

* saddle height (AS) = 78.5 cms. * Backward saddle
(R) = 5.5 cms.
* Tip of saddle to center of handlebar (PS-CM) = 55.5 cms.
* Punta seat on levers (PS-MAN) = 73.2 cms.

- With the same seat height, it makes shooting with three positions of different saddle delay (regression values \u200b\u200b(R) of 4.5 cm in the most forward position, 5.5 cm in the middle position 6.5 cm in the rearmost position)

- Then you shoot with a saddle height of 0.5 cm above and below the initial measurement and at each height with the three delay of saddle positions described above.

Once all the filming, will be analyzed working angles with a biomechanical analysis software, looking for the position that best fits the theoretical angle for the thigh, leg (150-155 º), discarding the rest of films. In our case, on preliminary analysis results for this angle were in each of the films:

PHOTO1. POSITION 1: AS = 78.5 cms. R = 5.5 cm - 4.5 cm - 6.5 cm

FOTO2. POSITION 2: AS = 79 cm R = 5.5 cm - 4.5 cm - 6.5 cm

PHOTO 3. POSITION 3: AS = 78 cm R = 5.5 cm - 4.5 cm - 6.5 cm

Having analyzed the different positions is observed as the position that best fits the theoretical leg thigh angle ( 150-155 °) is the position 2 (AS = 79). Now we have to determine the correct saddle delay, for it based on the position described in the literature the term rider with KOPS (Knee over pedal spindle), which "roughly" is to say that the optimum delay position is one where rod being parallel leg to the ground below, the vertical line that would pass through the lateral border of the patella, would turn the pedal axle. We will see clearer image:

This image is the third filming of the second series, the following measures: AS: 79 cm R = 4.5 cm.

When we have the correct posture saddle height and setback and is passed to assess the position at length. In this case, it is clear that the cyclist is "short" on the bike, kyphotic position (arched) on his back, the cervical lordosis, in this case by an error in the choice of sizing of the bike. Even so, we will analyze the video.

A position should yield a correct length 140-145 º, 157.6 º away from that can be seen in the image above. A look at the curve described in the back in the picture below confirms the position forced back.


In this case, try to solve with a power longer (130mm) and a handlebar with a breakthrough somewhat larger, but the best option would be to mount an appropriate size box.

other factors are analyzed, such as maximum hip flexion, thigh-trunk angle, etc., By reference to the values \u200b\u200bdescribed in the literature rider. If the measurements of the angles of leg extension (photo1) are correct, the other values \u200b\u200bmust match. In this case we rely on the information the author Zeno Zani. "Incorrect positions on the bike. Common injuries and their remedies." Dorleta, SA 1998.



Finally the rider is given a dossier printed and a CD with the results, video recording and measures to apply on his bike.

Service price: 100 euros for road bike, 120 euro for the aero position. Xerez Triathlon Club members, discount 40% .


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