Thursday, April 22, 2010

Sv2000 How To Record A Ps2

The Idioticiario, international section. The "scientific" socialism of the XXI century

Since the outbreak of the coup Colonel Hugo Chavez Frias as president of Venezuela as an oil slick has spread in the Americas socialist demagoguery of Castro and distinctly un-American (and anti-liberal, of course). Venezuelan oil has given billions of dollars in the service of monumental social hatred campaigns and banner. Systemic corruption of many Latin American countries has been, together with poverty and a pre-existing soft sediment of dialectic Marxist class struggle, the ideal fertilizer for several leaders guided by Castro and Chavez win elections, to initiate constitutional reform processes that perpetuate them in power and condemn their countries to a long night socialist.

outstanding disciples and particularly picturesque Caribbean architects of this cancer, is the current president of Bolivia, Evo Morales.
One of the most pretentious of Marxist socialism is his desire to be considered scientific. Engels's intention was to differentiate the theoretical edifice that peaked with the other socialism Marx, who considered unscientific and lower intellectual range.

currently anticapitalist hear much talk of "Socialism of the XXI century" without coming to describe what it is. No need. Socialism is the same as always, the same stale and unfounded concept that draws from the social envy and hatred that divides people by brand ideological or social strata and sentenced to a relentless struggle of humans against humans. If anything, what most distinguishes the "XXI century socialism" of the previous two centuries, is that the current is defended by people far more limited than uneducated and Marx, Proudhomme, Jean-Paul Sartre ...

proof is precisely Evo Morales, who can extract statements as "scientific" Socialism as practiced:

For example, it states that l where you are secondary Human Rights with respect to an entity deified as the "Mother Earth" following the animistic beliefs (very scientific thereof) of ethnicity, defined as "Pacha Mama."
"So I think it's more important to defend the rights of Mother Earth to defend human rights. Defending nature is to defend humanity, save the man" , said in Copenhagen. And, in a modernizing ideology Indian Community for the Bolivian president no way out to finish with capitalism if you want to save humanity.

The scientific socialist ideas in his laboratory, having invoked by ouija Marx, Lenin, the Pacha Mama and spirit of a seamstress who at that time was passing.

Or they believe that where he said the recent earthquake in Chile was due to anger that figure (Pacha Mama) with Humanity (and capitalism, to be exact).

If anyone has doubts about the exercise of critical thinking by the current Head of State of Bolivia, Evo Morales wanted to make things clear recently. Incidentally we have shown their homophobic aspect. It must be said that in many socialist movements, homosexuality has always been considered a dangerous deviation to the State. The current trend of European social democracy to rise and defend the civil rights of homosexuals, is very recent. Ideological movement that originated in "guess where? The U.S.. UU., The "Great Satan" capitalist, ultraconservative and class.

recently, still imprisoned in Cuba for homosexuals merely for being. Socialist propaganda has always been suffused with a childlike vision of manly pride, as if one was more macho to be more revolutionary. Murderer Castro and Ernesto Guevara, Che, promoted this view and they set an example, but also in the USSR and China, homosexuality has been persecuted in the name of socialism purist.

Specifically, Evo Morales says:

"The chicken we eat is full of female hormones. Therefore, when men eat those chickens, have deviations in their being like men," Incidentally

has claimed a food supposed superiority of indigenous people in industrialized societies citing the example of baldness and ignoring the statistics of infant mortality, disease incidence and life expectancy.

"Baldness, which seems normal, is a disease in Europe almost all are bald. And for the things they eat. Meanwhile, in the indigenous peoples are not bald, because they eat other things, "

A demonstration of scientific ignorance and chauvinism cumbersome, very similar to that during the Franco regime sought to convince the English that we were living in the greatest country in the world and that "Spain is the best" because yes, we have been chosen to be born in the best possible site.

This is the scientific rigor of socialism today, more onager that suffered for a century and a half.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Todd A. Edelson Physical Therapy

AUSTRIAN WORLD, performance: Keynesian ARE NOT KNOW!

That says Paul Krugman (PK), so do not take the opposite, it is not then call us arrogant.

had previously PK said that the Austrians fail to explain the fluctuations in unemployment associated with economic cycles (decrease of unemployment in times of economic growth and rise in times of crisis). PK has already reduced the doctrine repeatedly Austrian business cycle theory about overinvestment , which to me makes me very simplistic, as he has not read all that presumes either that simplifies ceiling pretend to have understood the theory.


But not afraid to try the Austrian not for what they have said the founders of the School but by the comments he made in his column some of NYT digital :

As Predicted, Many of the comments to my post Are Austrian economics of the form "Well, of course Employment Rises When investment is Expanding, and falls When the investment is falling - in the first case the economy is booming while in the second it's slumping."

arrogant The Austrians, however, are more diligent when it comes to criticizing the Keynesians and focus not on the comments of anonymous Internet but the General Theory Keynes or Krugman's own thesis. But well, anyway. PK says that as the Austrians use the concept of aggregate demand, it makes them Keynesians. Take that.

PK first accused the Austrian School of Economics (EAE ) of failing to address unemployment, which implies a falsehood (Employment is considered as a factor of production) and a ruse, accusing Austrians of insensitivity to the tragedy of unemployment . But also, it is obvious that the Austrians emphasize the mechanism that causes the crisis (systematic manipulation by the governments of the money supply and interest rates), does that mean obliterate unemployment?

On the other hand, deliberately ignores PK (which is more serious than it unintentionally) that employment and economic growth will feed back as unemployment and recession. Is it before the chicken or the egg? Employment growth (caused by various factors) may be the cause of economic growth, which in turn will mean greater demand for employment.

What can cause this increase in employment that is prior to growth?

many factors, entrepreneurship and the free work of private actors the main causes: technological breakthroughs, advances in a nascent industry. But mention a much more visible: that a country moves from a situation of uncertainty (where investment is withdrawn) to another trusted , for example, to emerge from a war or to move from a dictatorship to a democratic cornered international support (what we expect to finish going in Cuba and others). In such situations, Bull, legal changes in an environment of legal certainty and private property is fueling demand for jobs and growth in investment and hiring go together continually receives feedback.

Similarly, a uncertainty like the present in Greece, for example, is a retraction Hiring n business investment to fall because of the risk, fewer jobs mean less consumption, less investment in turn, less demand for new employment ...

This is such common sense are not needed theoretical and methodological tools Austrian School to understand.

more complicated to understand why Keynesianism rampant (especially the last two years) in the U.S.. UU. endorsed by people like PK, has failed to dampen the decline in employment , which has only recently begun to recover. Or how a Keynesian agenda until the end as the government of Spain has failed to prevent the bleeding which means that one in five workers is unemployed.

But PK does have interest in what he says the Austrian School of Economics on increased unemployment in an economic recession, perhaps I should start for not considering instant the industrial reconversion and redeployment of capital goods. Obviously, when it demonstrates the infeasibility of a given economic activity (for example, when the housing bubble bursts caused by credit expansion, which generate Krugman encouraged enthusiastically from 2001 ) is impossible for capital goods in that activity inserts are recycled imminent and transferred to other productive sectors to create jobs to replace the destroyed in the activities most affected by the recession.

Similarly, the laborer can hardly be immediately put to work broker or plumber. need a training stage for the performance of his new job. And if you want a job quickly? Logically, it must accept an occupation that requires minimal training, for example, stacking boxes in the supermarket, a waiter in a bar or business that is selling down the street or in malls. On the other hand, is almost certain that his salary be reduced because the marginal productivity his new job will be less than the previous . If we also note that you must compete with many other unemployed, it is obvious that wages are undercut.

The stimulus through public spending aimed perpetuate profitable economic activities, is an obstacle to the necessary conversion and recycling of capital and workers . It creates the expectation that we must wait for rain the subsidy rather than "making a living, running a very expensive and poisonous sedating business initiative and the formation and promotion of workers, promoting a social morass production that we see today in Spain.

But even outside the Austrian school of economics, there are other theories that Krugman should know and provide strong denials about the supposed effectiveness of the increase in aggregate demand: the Theory of Rational Expectations , despite going over braking showed that increased public expenditure is seen as a future tax increase , what which promotes an increase in savings and hence a reduction marginal propensity to consume that is supposed to govern the eerie "multiplier " Keynesian.

And this "rational expectation" not only affects the citizenry (the more farsighted) but especially the government bond markets , much more observers and used to make long-term analysis of fiscal and economic policies of governments. A government that increase public spending to increase aggregate demand is a government that will raise the risk premium on their bond debt , so you will have more difficulty that Keynesian finance increases in public spending.

If it is to stimulate aggregate demand , Mr. Krugman, do you seem few millionaires stimuli Obama and Zapatero government? Should there be more to the taxpayer sandblasted or have even more debt to "stimulate" Aggregate Demand better sacrosanct?

Moreover, the argument that " how to use the concept of aggregate demand, that is supposed to be Keynesian unknowingly" seems ridiculous. The Aggregate Demand is the sum of private consumption demand plus investment plus consumption (expenditure), plus exports minus imports . Is a pre-existing scale Keynes put it though the British name, does their use of terminology is to assume all the "General Theory" of Hayek's rival?

That's something as absurd as claiming that " austroliberal Krugman is recommended for fiscal responsibility" (so typical of the Austrians that he denigrates) when speaking of the Greek crisis :

But What Are the lessons for America? Of course, We Should Be fiscally responsible.

Given that "fiscal responsibility" has little to do with Keynesian agenda Public Expenditure in cold blood, I guess that phrase Krugman makes him an anti-Keynesian.

The concept of a mainstream economy is occasionally used by an anonymous commenter who claims to be an Austrian, I doubt that will serve to bring into question his maligned Austrian School of Economics. And if PK gets so high the demand level terminology, what are recipes that are prolonging the crisis in the U.S. and acute in countries like Spain? Will it be just as severe with Keynes?

If these are the arguments against the Austrians, I have no PK is clear that the "Messi" the Keynesians, really. It would seem that is an infiltrator who intends to let a fool speaking on their behalf.

to see if it is Austrian and has not noticed ...

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Vegeta And Bulma Moments On Series

Quarteira and European Cup. NEWS OF THE POSITION ANALYSIS

I can only tell you that luxury has been a test and taking the account over the paltry price of registration. Al final, 4 Trialtonxerez components, Loren, Pepito, Nutrition and the writer, who participated in Saturday's test, which was the Championship of Portugal, so there were any other "cock."

Early morning we were ready by the organization the recognition of cycling and swimming circuit in closed, and escorted by Portuguese police (GNR) could give several laps around the circuit rider surrounded by all the Pro they would be the next day. I assure you it was not a blue summer tour. The boxes, with ample space, arranged by club participant. That was our site.
water bad manners from early on, with the swell and currents, and some waves, which caused more than a triathlete you want to take away the heat with neoprene, so most do not touch the water until the starting horn. I I can assure that the water was harder than I have ever swum, so much so that out of the water so dizzy that I had to sit on the floor to take off the wetsuit. I left the water about 14 minutes (do not tell you na ¡¡¡).
In pit I met Loren and I decided to lose a few seconds and wait for it to cycle together, well, could not continue to Loren on the bike, he looked back and is sure to be asking what you wrong with this today?. Pasarón the miles and I went to find better and we were taking people, to form a grupete of "ballooners" neither agreed to cooperate to pull ahead and had no other intention to stop lying to those who were in the group, which no one since we got together to T2, except three or four riders, including our compi Loren lost 20 or 30 seconds from the grupete where was I .
began my most hated segment, and put a more or less comfortable pace, Loren take 2 km in alacanzarme and encouraged me to continue with it, but the strong wind and the evil that had happened in the water made me withdraw, to almost a kilometer and a half to finish, when I reached Nutri, then throw the two to block, to enter at 1:12 on goal.

girls left early, at about 9.00 am, the calmer water and a large group of English (Zuriñe Rodriguez, Maria Pujol, Neus Cayla, M. Damlaincourt, etc.) and some cracks in the world Vanessa Fernandez as the Portuguese. I will not make a chronicle of the girls, and q that you can read in any magazine, but if you leave some pictures and video. Enjoy it:)

In boys, little to say, concert and mash Mola Mario Godoy will not gelled.

Monday, April 12, 2010

How To Clear A Chest Infection Naturally

When dyes oppose socialism is heroic

No, I'm talking about Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn either of Guillermo Fariñas. I'm talking about a situation much closer than I've met via the blog of Eetion , one of the most readable and weighted Liberal Network.
turns out that the blog owner Mairena del Alcor for Change who intends to have a say in their local policy with a minimum of normality has become victim of threatening messages clearly. In a local forum speaking about politics, this blogger has come to debate (showing tremendous faith, hope and charity for certain human specimens) ideology.

If you read the forum is priceless: Esperanza Aguirre start criticizing and just praising Marx, Lenin and branding of Franco, Nazi, fascist, bourgeois, capitalist and what the third is divergent (involved with the nickname "the change"). Nothing new, right?

The point is that in the midst of the melee (where "change" shows a fine education in comparison with the pack that is poured on top) slide phrases such as:

"You and those like you are despicable, they suffer from humanism, not know what that is. Therefore, by far, capitalism is the most criminal and murderer who gave birth to the story. But every second that passes is one second less that remains for the demise of the criminal system and its criminal status. will be a day where the people bill must pass the parasites and freeloaders, note. "

I think that" parasites and scroungers "do not refer to politicians and their followers estatólatras funded voter, no. continue with the dialectic of revenge:

"The day that the People's awareness of class, those who try to exploit that ignorance to be submitted to the People put into place by the Village at discrediting and mocking. There is something even more despicable than a liar, which is nothing to abuse and exploit the ignorance that g entuza as you sow. Please note you tuercebotas fascist. "

A great example of civility, politeness and good manners. Not as persecuted blogger who demonstrates his lack of education and totalitarian nature inadmissible subsequent responses to those, like this ::
Dear Damen. I just came home from gigs and I read your forum post. I understand your position, since, as I said, for quite some time was related to Marxist theory (especially in economics ). They look at reality by applying a very different theory. At least the Marxist and liberal theory (understood here to Mises, Hayek, etc., ie school Austrians joined the school of Salamanca), are very consistent theories, complex and difficult to master. Our prospects are so different that these entries - discussions - we can enrich for reporting data, cause us to think or investigate an issue that is not clear or review those issues that you have not studied or read, but will not lead to any agree, of course, except to criticize the current state, the political caste, etc., but not in substance.
[...] I think the important thing is to talk about these issues freely, each from their perspective, without anything or anyone to silence us by highly debatable are our ideas, each from their point of view and respecting at all times. Again guess we will acuerdo.Hoy I have no body to rebut your previous post, but I will not hesitate.
Now I will be unable to answer a few days for work items. But will return to the conversation, if it considers it appropriate, and keep "fighting" with you.
nothing else, a greeting.

The real proof comes when another "forero" criticizes the socialist municipality of Alcor Mairena and his message is edited ipso facto by the "moderator" of the forum citing the Penal Code:

35 years Andalucia socialist dictarura

socialist dictatorship 20 years in Mairena del Alcor.
the Webmaster reports: Article 212 of the current Penal Code considers as solitary liability to the owner of the information medium through which they spread the libel or slander.
In this circumstance, users are informed that the owner shall take the measures necessary to ensure the right to honor, dignity and privacy of people and also made available to the judicial authority that this technical data required to locate persons who have violated or in the future may infringe those rights.


Of course, the crime of threats likely not say a peep. It is not the first time these questions we see on the network, not be the last. Now, however slightly the support we can give the owner of the Blog Mairena del Alcor for Change we give. From here I send my sympathy and leave my blog available to all defenses that it deems appropriate to do.

And something else I show my sincere admiration for your patience and moderation.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Shareaza Not Recognizing Ipod

More criticism of the Austrian School and brief defense of her extreme Reed

The previous post prompted a brief debate between a Catholic and austroliberal Daniel Ballesteros Calderón and Luis H. Arroyo, who is considered an Austrian (and I would say that "Friedmanite") although it is extremely critical of the Instituto Juan de Mariana and what he considers austroliberalismo dogmas. Both economists dispense with labels (which will honor) and his principles and ideas lead them to other points of connection and conflict. Fortunately for the other, focused in the second and hopefully have time and inclination to illustrate a deeper discussion. Blog
Del Martin Wolf and Louis H. Arroyo extract some of the criticisms against EAE, intending to "get a word" (despite my limitations) on the subject.

First: Is hyperrationalism SEA, especially the doctrine Misesian?

Luis argues that rationalism as an absolute guide is the invention of an imaginary world he does in his Realism interesting entry where you answer a couple of responses (mine) to a previous post ended with the devastating phrase

"Ergo, sometimes has to intervene to correct excess power that the very freedom brings. "

This entry is the continuation of the above" No Man or I rational "and" Man II is not rational "While I understand that

referral to numerous posts difficult to follow the thread of the debate, I recommend reading the links provided. Luis indicates that SEA, especially Mises, builds a finalist rationalism that leads to constructivism, which is just what you want to fight in the form of Socialism in all its variants. understood that Hayek barely got to see that risk and get off the horse in time. Accuse fans of the SEA to consider the individual infallible , in what would be a "last brake" against collectivism (in the latter I quite agree, so I'm not anarcho-capitalist).

For his part, Martin Wolf ( chief economics commentator the Financial Times) no slouch with the following pearl:
"I have to say That, so far, the posts by Austrians Fall Into What I Have Found a Consistent pattern: the Absence of Any Rigorous argument Combined with arrogance and a conviction That Both the apocalypse is inevitable and desirable. But I am going to try to keep an open mind so long as I can. "
Martin Wolf is
regular attendee at annual meetings of the club Bildelberg , which may explain the Austrian thesis will seem a risk to obvious collusion between International Bank, governments and global economic planning agencies as the IMF, OECD and the World Bank. It does not say much in its favor in the same post that the Austrians rhea cite the port Krugman, insufferable "pope" of Keynesianism or more stale :

For Those Interested (and Reasonably open-minded) Paul Krugman has waded Into this:

brand must thank the 2008 Economics Nobel your item to be brief. A pestiño, yes, but brief. accuses the "Austrians" not able to explain unemployment. No drops his head in shame of not being able to explain how unemployment has not abated in countries like Spain where they have implemented the most radical Keynesian proposals to increase the deficit and public incentives, such as the failed Plan E.

Returning to the first criticism: Does reason enthroned austroliberalismo at risk of becoming what it claims to fight?

think it is a criticism based on biased reading of the Austrians. First Menger and von Böhm-Bawerk (me too often I mess with his name, Luis;)) faced the German historicism n which reduced the economy to an appendix of history. Then Mises tried to separate the study of Economics method used for the Physical Sciences. is in this purpose which is to a legitimate use of reason to turn the economy into a major social science, autonomous and not subject to others. But few are so ideological trends as the doctrines Austrian overachieving when to use reason. Even building Misesian praxeology makes clear the limitation of reason , methodological individualism, subjectivity in valuation of means and ends (leading beyond the subjectivism of marginality in determining the value) and distrust systematically on the individual and collective beliefs.

Praxeology away to enthrone reason, seeks direct it towards the discovery of self-evident truths precisely so that any interested meander of reason to blow up the undeniable.

The distrust of human reason becomes more plausible in Hayekian theory of the dispersion of knowledge . I honestly do not know any thinker who proclaimed Austria to deny or even annotates this essential feature of austroliberalismo. "In what other schools of economic thought is as powerful antidote against constructivism , against the ordination of socio-economic life by a powerful planning body?

course, is not found in the Keynesianism. The monetarism also believes that the money supply is best determined by a central body composed by the market decisions of millions individuals. Of social democracy, not to mention, of course.

2) Another criticism is that the Austrians blindly believe in the goodness of the individual or provided above the collective. Honestly, I think that here are given a kick in the ass anarcho-capitalists from all the Austrian School. I understand and agree with many criticisms of Rothbard, then return to them.

But it should be noted here that the mainstream view of the Austrians is not an anarchist but minarchist . It relies on a minimal state, guarantor of laws and principles but little clear, orderly social life as pillars or logs after branch following the autonomy enshrined in binding contracts free. No, do not see the individual as well as being an individual "and the State" for being bad state. " It supports the government's need, but in an order much less enthusiastic than other ideologies (even other liberals). Is accepted as a "lesser evil" to which comes because of the presence of defects in human nature. Otherwise it would rebuild the myth of the noble savage dressed merchant indumentum.

But this imperfect human nature being what it is necessary to constrain especially when it takes over the very powerful state mechanisms. If we can not change human nature best not to give as a tool for their flaws, the huge state apparatus potentially liberticidal : limit the state.

"Enough to get along, we quarrel a bit.
"But do not take advantage to escape liberals" live "?
"Do not worry, when we get tired of wax give them back to herd them.

3) The "arrogance" of the Austrian School:

Fools are everywhere, no doubt. But a defect arrogance as personal as I do not know how far it can extend to an entire school of thought. That has austroliberales arrogant, I do not doubt myself and I can give examples. Because I can give of Marxists, anarcho, conservative, historicist ... I guess the fact of being a minority trend, the postulates, assume, cause Ian an earthquake in the distribution patterns of power and influence, has made it particularly reviled . The accusation of arrogance is typical of someone who does not fall to discuss the core ideas in question. "That guy is arrogant, not worth discussing what he says." certainly is useful to steal the debate. Aggressiveness may widespread suffering, many Austrians have made very little compromise, no doubt. I guess it's an allegation about which debate is quite sterile, it is best not to be arrogant against those who accuse one of being. Although these yes they are.
Indeed, Hayek's last book was titled "The fatal conceit" and dealt specifically about the offensiveness of rationalist constructivism, the fool of the man who is considered superior by the mere momentum of his imperfect reason. Curious, no? More

criticism, but I think that's enough for today. In a next post I will discuss them. Hopefully this will generate debate. Man, I suspect we will not see Martin Wolf or Paul Krugman here, but, you know what? That their loss!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Happy Journey Wishes Sms

the Austrian School

Blog Via Luis H. Arroyo discover a link to the renowned economist and blogger the Financial Times, Martin Wolf where proposes a debate on the Austrian School of Economics to, if it has a better explanation for the global financial crisis and if it has also improved recipe out of it.

The vast majority of comments are very skeptical and hard against this school. The most frequent accusations of dogmatism and superficiality also arrogance (as the LHA itself) and closure. An ideological current is drawn tight, waterproof external reality that has not changed anything in the last half century, elevated to the status of dogma the gold standard and when success is due to the insistence on decades saying "this will happen" until just passing but not for the reasons argued by the SEA.

IMHO, no theory is "omniexplicativa" .

For the simple reason that reality is always more complex than any theory can describe. This connects with the Hayekian thesis dispersion knowledge, ie the Austrian School theory recognizes this limitation and introduced as one of its premises, which do not see other critical theories with EAE. To criticize a school of thought, always used to go to its most fragile natural and not reprehensible. It is logical to do with the thesis austroliberales .

is very healthy and addressing these criticisms. If you are sensible, reasoned argument and defended by those who know more than one (something very common, in my case) to read and digest these criticisms, meditate on them, an act not only advisable but necessary. The worst thing that can happen is to get us out of an error or strengthen us in our convictions if they are true, and both effects are desirable.

Many complaints seem exaggerated if not unfounded. Furthermore, EAE far from being a kind of cult with a binding creed, but as in all ideological current has a common background to his followers. But I've read austroliberales away from certain supposedly immutable ideas, for example, criticizing Daniel Ballesteros the gold standard and the mechanism of Hume.

I do not doubt that there austroliberales dogmatic, as in any school of thought, however, openly disagree on precisely this set of ideas specifically be sealed, on the contrary, involves a level of self-criticism and review that is not found in other ideologies . If we add that the view of the SEA is stripped of power politics, and even put a political upstart economist, I think we understand why a current is particularly reviled in many forums.

any austroliberal recommend you take a look at the blog linked and harsh criticism made against this school of thought.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Xepisodes Iphone Not Workings


I leave an analysis of one of the members of the Triathlon Club Xerez. I hope you find it of interest. Put a couple of videos, but the really interesting and explanatory is the dossier that is delivered to the rider, which is below the videos. (Eye, is a brick, so you better print it and read it in the moments of boredom:))

Videos can not be seen very clearly as I can not upload to the blog with more size.

Video 1. Initial recording errors adjustment.

Video 2. Recording on the couplings comparing different handlebar heights.