Thursday, April 22, 2010

Sv2000 How To Record A Ps2

The Idioticiario, international section. The "scientific" socialism of the XXI century

Since the outbreak of the coup Colonel Hugo Chavez Frias as president of Venezuela as an oil slick has spread in the Americas socialist demagoguery of Castro and distinctly un-American (and anti-liberal, of course). Venezuelan oil has given billions of dollars in the service of monumental social hatred campaigns and banner. Systemic corruption of many Latin American countries has been, together with poverty and a pre-existing soft sediment of dialectic Marxist class struggle, the ideal fertilizer for several leaders guided by Castro and Chavez win elections, to initiate constitutional reform processes that perpetuate them in power and condemn their countries to a long night socialist.

outstanding disciples and particularly picturesque Caribbean architects of this cancer, is the current president of Bolivia, Evo Morales.
One of the most pretentious of Marxist socialism is his desire to be considered scientific. Engels's intention was to differentiate the theoretical edifice that peaked with the other socialism Marx, who considered unscientific and lower intellectual range.

currently anticapitalist hear much talk of "Socialism of the XXI century" without coming to describe what it is. No need. Socialism is the same as always, the same stale and unfounded concept that draws from the social envy and hatred that divides people by brand ideological or social strata and sentenced to a relentless struggle of humans against humans. If anything, what most distinguishes the "XXI century socialism" of the previous two centuries, is that the current is defended by people far more limited than uneducated and Marx, Proudhomme, Jean-Paul Sartre ...

proof is precisely Evo Morales, who can extract statements as "scientific" Socialism as practiced:

For example, it states that l where you are secondary Human Rights with respect to an entity deified as the "Mother Earth" following the animistic beliefs (very scientific thereof) of ethnicity, defined as "Pacha Mama."
"So I think it's more important to defend the rights of Mother Earth to defend human rights. Defending nature is to defend humanity, save the man" , said in Copenhagen. And, in a modernizing ideology Indian Community for the Bolivian president no way out to finish with capitalism if you want to save humanity.

The scientific socialist ideas in his laboratory, having invoked by ouija Marx, Lenin, the Pacha Mama and spirit of a seamstress who at that time was passing.

Or they believe that where he said the recent earthquake in Chile was due to anger that figure (Pacha Mama) with Humanity (and capitalism, to be exact).

If anyone has doubts about the exercise of critical thinking by the current Head of State of Bolivia, Evo Morales wanted to make things clear recently. Incidentally we have shown their homophobic aspect. It must be said that in many socialist movements, homosexuality has always been considered a dangerous deviation to the State. The current trend of European social democracy to rise and defend the civil rights of homosexuals, is very recent. Ideological movement that originated in "guess where? The U.S.. UU., The "Great Satan" capitalist, ultraconservative and class.

recently, still imprisoned in Cuba for homosexuals merely for being. Socialist propaganda has always been suffused with a childlike vision of manly pride, as if one was more macho to be more revolutionary. Murderer Castro and Ernesto Guevara, Che, promoted this view and they set an example, but also in the USSR and China, homosexuality has been persecuted in the name of socialism purist.

Specifically, Evo Morales says:

"The chicken we eat is full of female hormones. Therefore, when men eat those chickens, have deviations in their being like men," Incidentally

has claimed a food supposed superiority of indigenous people in industrialized societies citing the example of baldness and ignoring the statistics of infant mortality, disease incidence and life expectancy.

"Baldness, which seems normal, is a disease in Europe almost all are bald. And for the things they eat. Meanwhile, in the indigenous peoples are not bald, because they eat other things, "

A demonstration of scientific ignorance and chauvinism cumbersome, very similar to that during the Franco regime sought to convince the English that we were living in the greatest country in the world and that "Spain is the best" because yes, we have been chosen to be born in the best possible site.

This is the scientific rigor of socialism today, more onager that suffered for a century and a half.


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