Monday, April 12, 2010

How To Clear A Chest Infection Naturally

When dyes oppose socialism is heroic

No, I'm talking about Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn either of Guillermo Fariñas. I'm talking about a situation much closer than I've met via the blog of Eetion , one of the most readable and weighted Liberal Network.
turns out that the blog owner Mairena del Alcor for Change who intends to have a say in their local policy with a minimum of normality has become victim of threatening messages clearly. In a local forum speaking about politics, this blogger has come to debate (showing tremendous faith, hope and charity for certain human specimens) ideology.

If you read the forum is priceless: Esperanza Aguirre start criticizing and just praising Marx, Lenin and branding of Franco, Nazi, fascist, bourgeois, capitalist and what the third is divergent (involved with the nickname "the change"). Nothing new, right?

The point is that in the midst of the melee (where "change" shows a fine education in comparison with the pack that is poured on top) slide phrases such as:

"You and those like you are despicable, they suffer from humanism, not know what that is. Therefore, by far, capitalism is the most criminal and murderer who gave birth to the story. But every second that passes is one second less that remains for the demise of the criminal system and its criminal status. will be a day where the people bill must pass the parasites and freeloaders, note. "

I think that" parasites and scroungers "do not refer to politicians and their followers estatólatras funded voter, no. continue with the dialectic of revenge:

"The day that the People's awareness of class, those who try to exploit that ignorance to be submitted to the People put into place by the Village at discrediting and mocking. There is something even more despicable than a liar, which is nothing to abuse and exploit the ignorance that g entuza as you sow. Please note you tuercebotas fascist. "

A great example of civility, politeness and good manners. Not as persecuted blogger who demonstrates his lack of education and totalitarian nature inadmissible subsequent responses to those, like this ::
Dear Damen. I just came home from gigs and I read your forum post. I understand your position, since, as I said, for quite some time was related to Marxist theory (especially in economics ). They look at reality by applying a very different theory. At least the Marxist and liberal theory (understood here to Mises, Hayek, etc., ie school Austrians joined the school of Salamanca), are very consistent theories, complex and difficult to master. Our prospects are so different that these entries - discussions - we can enrich for reporting data, cause us to think or investigate an issue that is not clear or review those issues that you have not studied or read, but will not lead to any agree, of course, except to criticize the current state, the political caste, etc., but not in substance.
[...] I think the important thing is to talk about these issues freely, each from their perspective, without anything or anyone to silence us by highly debatable are our ideas, each from their point of view and respecting at all times. Again guess we will acuerdo.Hoy I have no body to rebut your previous post, but I will not hesitate.
Now I will be unable to answer a few days for work items. But will return to the conversation, if it considers it appropriate, and keep "fighting" with you.
nothing else, a greeting.

The real proof comes when another "forero" criticizes the socialist municipality of Alcor Mairena and his message is edited ipso facto by the "moderator" of the forum citing the Penal Code:

35 years Andalucia socialist dictarura

socialist dictatorship 20 years in Mairena del Alcor.
the Webmaster reports: Article 212 of the current Penal Code considers as solitary liability to the owner of the information medium through which they spread the libel or slander.
In this circumstance, users are informed that the owner shall take the measures necessary to ensure the right to honor, dignity and privacy of people and also made available to the judicial authority that this technical data required to locate persons who have violated or in the future may infringe those rights.


Of course, the crime of threats likely not say a peep. It is not the first time these questions we see on the network, not be the last. Now, however slightly the support we can give the owner of the Blog Mairena del Alcor for Change we give. From here I send my sympathy and leave my blog available to all defenses that it deems appropriate to do.

And something else I show my sincere admiration for your patience and moderation.


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