Thursday, April 8, 2010

Happy Journey Wishes Sms

the Austrian School

Blog Via Luis H. Arroyo discover a link to the renowned economist and blogger the Financial Times, Martin Wolf where proposes a debate on the Austrian School of Economics to, if it has a better explanation for the global financial crisis and if it has also improved recipe out of it.

The vast majority of comments are very skeptical and hard against this school. The most frequent accusations of dogmatism and superficiality also arrogance (as the LHA itself) and closure. An ideological current is drawn tight, waterproof external reality that has not changed anything in the last half century, elevated to the status of dogma the gold standard and when success is due to the insistence on decades saying "this will happen" until just passing but not for the reasons argued by the SEA.

IMHO, no theory is "omniexplicativa" .

For the simple reason that reality is always more complex than any theory can describe. This connects with the Hayekian thesis dispersion knowledge, ie the Austrian School theory recognizes this limitation and introduced as one of its premises, which do not see other critical theories with EAE. To criticize a school of thought, always used to go to its most fragile natural and not reprehensible. It is logical to do with the thesis austroliberales .

is very healthy and addressing these criticisms. If you are sensible, reasoned argument and defended by those who know more than one (something very common, in my case) to read and digest these criticisms, meditate on them, an act not only advisable but necessary. The worst thing that can happen is to get us out of an error or strengthen us in our convictions if they are true, and both effects are desirable.

Many complaints seem exaggerated if not unfounded. Furthermore, EAE far from being a kind of cult with a binding creed, but as in all ideological current has a common background to his followers. But I've read austroliberales away from certain supposedly immutable ideas, for example, criticizing Daniel Ballesteros the gold standard and the mechanism of Hume.

I do not doubt that there austroliberales dogmatic, as in any school of thought, however, openly disagree on precisely this set of ideas specifically be sealed, on the contrary, involves a level of self-criticism and review that is not found in other ideologies . If we add that the view of the SEA is stripped of power politics, and even put a political upstart economist, I think we understand why a current is particularly reviled in many forums.

any austroliberal recommend you take a look at the blog linked and harsh criticism made against this school of thought.


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