Saturday, March 27, 2010

How Long Do Box Braids Take

What really matters: it is urgent to ask the Parliament to declare the impossibility of negotiating with murderers

In the last legislature and following an agenda which by then was suspected, but now know that was carefully premeditated murder by the band eta and the PSOE, the Parliament adopted a declaration authorizing the Government to initiate contact with terrorists.

statement was really so worthless as to its formal declarative value, because the contacts were previous PSOE even the return of the Government, so as Rodriguez Zapatero took office as President, eta contacts. - Government of Spain were automatic without prior authorization by parliament.

The PSOE wanted to give democratic support the current negotiations and make way for voters Paripe less submissive to nationalism were accepting violent clear line between socialism and "violent nationalism."

Parliament giving the government permission, as if Spain was a country in which the separation of powers and the Congress of Deputies was not the go-between the executive through the partitocracy .

Now, it is essential that the only party that aspires to be an alternative government (the PP) or the one who makes the opposition work (UPyD) request that Parliament itself revoke that permission. Not only that, is necessary to go further and promote a statement denying the possibility the government to negotiate with murderers organized.

Clearly, the proposal will not succeed (in fact, a similar and was torpedoed after the last election) but at least the PSOE and others will be forced to portray and to refuse to approve the motion, the cost may be political and electoral difficult to repeat this ominous negotiation.

The current English democracy gives too few instruments for the protection and promotion of an ethical mode of governance. The few remaining are, must be squeezed to the maximum but usually all they do is stir the media and perhaps some electoral clout, but is there anything they care about most politicians who suffer?

Moreover, any prohibition of Parliament would be able to be much stronger if unlikely event a change of government, for the PP not to commit which was the worst mistake of Aznar in his 8 year presidency . It was this mistake that gave wings to Zapatero and allowed him to accuse the PP of wanting to sabotage "the opportunity for peace", identifying the negotiating process eta PSOE. with what happened in the first term Aznar. Do not subtract one iota of responsibility to ZP, but we must make clear that the PP made it easy or at least it did everything it could have been to avoid the goings of the current President.

Because it was the PP, but the social pressure for much of the English people (for whom the PP was more an inconvenience than a help) who managed derail the negotiation process making that part of socialist voters feel uncomfortable with continuous assignments and teasing of ZP to so-called "nationalist environment, which is only the periphery of the murder as an instrument of pressure.

electoral cost analysis Strategists for the PSOE was what stopped the bleeding of government assignments, curiously mixed in an incredible way the vileness and ingenuity . The naivety to believe that ETA would end up giving up everything to settle for a most humiliating for Spain and the vileness the coldness of the systematic betrayal democracy, the PSOE its members killed, including.

In this term, economic issues are predominant. But there are more important issues. As for me, prefer a five-year crisis that a new negotiation with eta Overall, the first is inevitable and the second depends on each individual citizen, and that no political party can save us from it.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Port Royale 2 Patch Polish

Dialogue paradigm between a liberal and illiberal

happened in facebook. I read an article by José Luis Valladares , a friend of this blog and steely government critic who suffer. Jose Luis is one of the most regular contributors and Site strong middle class Arag ng. In facebook profile This organization publishes the best articles and a member of the network clear text criticized the anti-liberal animosity.

Article, José Luis indicated that higher VAT, far from helping, as the Government, to support the unemployed, create many others. Gives a figure of half a million, without explaining where the bag, but it is a technical article which show econometric skills. This was used for its critical to brand have "a very liberal crystal ball" . Responded to criticism.

Next was a brief series of exchanges of views I'm sure many English liberals you sound familiar caspase : the illiberal start throwing some questions, but when they answer, is deaf and spends to fly the "ideas "strength" of its position, you know, the typical prejudices according to which "Liberalism is the ideology of the rich against the poor" (do not use those exact words, but are deducted).
The final fireworks when it appeals to compassion for the poor, pensioners, unemployed, assuming that liberals (which by golly, we should all be millionaires and I'm here without finding out) we have created the crisis, we have taken oil money and now want to share and forcing the rest to break one's back to work .

How could it be otherwise in so typical anti-liberal ideology that our party has just stating that the Liberals are ethically and morally perverse to feel indifference to the pain of others (according to him, we see people only as numbers).

For obvious reasons of respect and privacy, the caller's identity is not revealed. Put their stakes in red (ahem), mine in blue, no other reason than because this my favorite color. Of course, I recommend as preparatory reading the article that led to the "debate."

with all of you, the conversation will surely reconozcáis have maintained many times

article criticizing illiberal José Luis Valladares:

you have a very liberal crystal ball ... So much so that when the government fails to take action is because it is incompetent and wasteful, when you take them and cut costs in also bad, if you go up 2% vat is then so terrible a burden to take us to infinity disaster ... but if non-payment of pension or social assist those harmed by the crisis and then you find another epithet ...

Funny how liberals games out now like mushrooms everywhere, it is curious that do not really know what you would do in a situation like this, because if a thing is bad, and if done the opposite too.

Ah! if street, I know, leave it to the invisible hand of Adam Smith, that would be settled all in five minutes, but I fear that even he had a crystal ball as catastrophic as yours.

My first response:

XXXXX Lord: It is possible that the anticipation of Mr. Valladares on that VAT will help lead to 500,000 more unemployed, was somewhat shocking for a little explanation. However, it took more than a year reading Mr. Valladares and to our dismay, has a high level of success in their analysis of the behavior of the government (I say unfortunately because I wish the Government would behave differently). What you call forecasts are actually deductions taken careful observation of Mr. Valladares, who with skill sets in black and white in their articles. Hopefully Mr. Valladares not correctly, but I think it is difficult to contradict that the VAT hike consumption retract, making it harder to make ends meet from month to millions of English, will create more tax evasion and arrears and expel small market marginal businesses.

You say that Mr. Valladares says not to do in the current situation. If you take some time reading to know that this is not true. In fact, some of their most obvious are easily deductible not clueless reading this article, to enumerate the common errors and wastage of government.

hope you do not get me wrong my comment, share different opinions is a sign of intellectual health. Also, do not pretend to defend Mr. Valladares, who need it, know it very well himself.



already, then what we should do is be even more liberal than the other European countries, most taxes are still higher than us .. right? oticias/51860_iva-espanol- ml

And this as you can see for yourself what the government says NO and Zapatero, or the minister, says a private company, catering for more signs.

Liberalism this newly formed, which is the same as always, you see where it is that systematically eluding the answers to the questions of how and where does the money for roads, hospitals, schools, or many other things as many other services necessary for community living. If they were there would be neither old nor Inserso travel or dancing or older. For them the only thing that counts is money, and interest, that if, when bankers, speculators and crooks leave a bankrupt country, they already have well prepared her recipe. Go back

you to strive and work for four dollars to lift the country, which we will bring us money again.


If you mean the vast majority of European countries with an unemployment rate one percentage figure in any case much lower than ours, less deficit, with much less bureaucracy in creating companies, public administrations are dutifully paying their providers (and often not in default as English), and not a few of them per capita income than English, with a much more competitive labor market and educational and vocational training more effective, I will hand you the VAT hike for all these characteristics.

Clearly, the VAT is not going to help these countries seem to us to take advantage but they are faring worse.
other hand, that if you say "even" more liberal than others (as if that were difficult to be a little bit as it is more than most) not only depends on not raising taxes, but (mostly) of what the money is spent. As rightly pointed out Mr. Valladares, which is expected to raise the VAT hike will go to already committed by the government, not wipe our monstrous deficit that hampers the possibilities of financing the expensive risk of English public debt. That will mean more deficit for the future, which will usher in a serious spiral of + Debt + Taxes + DESPILFAR

To explain: the VAT hike and the result is accumulated debt. If that debt also is directed primarily to subsidize areas close to power or directly unproductive to be maintained by those who do produce in order to keep bags of votes, it is obvious that from a liberal point of view that cause rejection, and in my If I'm going further: disgusts me.

If that makes me put the etiquetita of "evil liberal", because hey, I did not lose any sleep, much worse than I have been called. In fact, with your permission, my ideas and I go to sleep soundly.


(sorry if this was something "chop", but that was after twelve o'clock and I saw he was not going to get anything useful to the conversation.)


Man .., best of all would be dedicated to save banks, whether man, such that absolute predictability and effective teams neoliberal economists were all so clear the crisis was coming, they decided to give credit to the first passing through the door so as not to lose market ... Aided all is said by the Governor of the Bank of Spain, it now sees no choice but to free dismissal to fix the mess ... Have you value even opening the mouth of the perfect knowing failure of the economy without control has brought us this far, and above is still permissible to continue to provide the gibberish junk usual terminology is definitely something that cries to heaven.
you not look both more Debt + Taxes + Benefits + Stories, man ....,

Look at all those who have fallen in the street with one hand in front and another behind, which are people do you know? Are not numbers, and at least at least entitled to some of the state, because they also are not to blame for the disasters of an economic system where there is mangancia retirees billionaire bankers, international speculators, stock brokers and similar animals, and allow some of that money to the effort of all will come out, and not the other pocket.

Final (for now ...):

already part of my grant money (most forcibly and without choice) and I have the luck to keep my work and no pay little tax. It seems that for you, we pay more. Is very easy to pay more to the tax voluntarily, but that efforts to make others pay is certainly not an example of tolerance and respect for freedom (and money) of others. Funny
how to repeat the smears more topical and void on liberalism:

1) have created a crisis: you have to throw imagination when it is generated in two sectors as state and operated as the financial and real estate. The supply of land and housing in Spain and in many other countries is not free or anything, always decided by the authorities, do not tell me you did not know if enough to read. On the banks, where to look who else has criticized the bailout of them are liberal economists and intellectuals. And in Spain it has a socialist government, the press has barely said anything related. Can you imagine what that rescue would have said if is carried out by a government that was not the PSOE?
If you know what I think about it I invite you to read this link

http://desde-el-laberinto. to-the-estate-of-market-and-el.html

2) After you speak of money to be given to others . That is, think about sharing wealth but not create it. Typical of most old-fashioned socialism and impoverishing. It looks at what he said IMSERSO travel, which I consider to be a good example of waste. But also, you only think about charity. It is only fair that those retirees would choose what to do with the money generated by their work and not be paying them a pension that we work now. That is, just what is a funded system of pensions. As we crossed into facebook, I attach the link to the web in the same network where it is explained (I encourage you to read without prejudice) and why this system is much more cost effective and ethical than the current: ef = home # / pensionesdignas? Ref = ss

3) Liberalism is ethically perverse. Just happened. According to you, liberals treat people as numbers. Look, I do not need doubt his good will, no doubt ponder on who wants the best for their peers, as if liberals do you do with the speaker, that look more like the evil villains of a short story for children. I understand that this childish vision is comfortable, the world is easier if we paint it all black and white and we are always on the side of good. Do you think that I have loved ones in the severe unemployment or economic hardship? From what blinding prejudices nebula can prejudge without knowing the values \u200b\u200band principles of those who profess an ideology that you show ignorance and just have the same distorted references typical of a bad movie script Hollywood?

I have no intention to bother you intellectually in which it seems your comfortable stay in the Manichean division of reality, but if one dares to take up the healthy habit of doubt, I will allow the excess to recommend a short book "Principles liberal" Dario Antiseri. Yes, be careful not to give you a
anaphylactic shock.

http://www.diariosigloxxi. com/texto-diario/mostrar/1

9012 Greetings and good night.

( Yes, I put a television spot on my blog, do you spend something? ;)).

Anyway, this is l or there "out there." For the little but very good who read this blog, as liberals, have you no sense on many occasions and have spoken a hundred times with a person whom you had never let you cross? How is it possible that they are so similar to each other illiberal?

Suffering supporting the original liberal and argued a liberal diatribe knowledgeable and victim of evil capitalism.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Replace Head On Sunpak Tripod

Euro Is the problem?

Customers should follow the interesting blog of Luis H. Arroyo , prolific blogger like few others, know their strong views on the crisis the eurozone. To manage it, and simplifying a lot (with your permission, I hope) - I will say that an essential element is to see the single European currency as a highly political issue and not an economic, a forced unity from top to bottom, unnatural (in the sense of going against the reality of the market) and therefore potentially dangerous .

The euro is the soul of the German mark, but his brain seems to be rather French. The viscera would be from other eurozone countries which have traditionally had a lot more fluctuation than the Teutons, uniquely Southern European nations, those with typical Anglo-Saxon superiority complex, have been denigrated by the term PIGS (Portugal, Italy, Greece and Spain). Recently, the "I" has become "played" by Ireland. Arrival

the crisis and because of the wide sleeve of European bureaucracy, all the constituent countries have committed "sins against the euro." Some have gone too far, leaving me through his long history of inflation, deficits and loose monetary policy and populist (c'mon, socialist). So the PIGS , after appearing certain monetary and fiscal discipline in times of growth (and bubble) back again when it's temporary. If

each country had its own money problems, could weather the storm better or worse resorting to devaluation, as did the UK and Spain made Gonzalez. It is an elegant solution, much less honest (no longer a theft to the entire population of the country devalued), but at least is a solution, albeit partially. But the euro

precludes that option. It has been shown that some countries were part of an optimum currency area , that the idea of \u200b\u200bthe euro that German fiscal discipline by members extend was a chimera. On the contrary, now Germany which go to other countries as a liability (and rightly so).

Assuming that the euro was a political stubbornness Economy relegated to second or third place, does the blame for the crisis is the euro?

IMHO, the answer is no . To say that the euro has been an aggravation of the crisis and an impediment to get out of it I think it is realistic but also that the euro is seen as an important element of what it is. What I like to consider Internet as the cause of certain crimes (when the middle). Internet can facilitate the commission of certain crimes and the impunity of criminals, but ultimate cause must be sought in the alleged offenders.

The euro represented a call to tighten fiscal and financial member countries, a sort of "Germanization" of many and diverse nations. "Be like Germans" sounded good in principle, supposed greater efficiency, higher productivity, more entrepreneurial, more dynamic, more competition, less unemployment, a federal system more rational and less populist ...

was only one problem: we are not Germans.

Luis H. himself Arroyo indicates perfectly clear in his book Economics from the beginning " the importance of ideological and ethical substratum (religious included) in the emergence of mechanisms and economic behavior, not only individually but for the exercise of state power. It is in this sense that I do not think that the euro is the root of the problem, but the trend congenital "Eurocracy" (European bureaucracy) to disregard its own rules . With

socialist Jospin government in France and Schröder in Germany, the axis around which the European Union two countries became a deficit, inflation and lax. After the Red-Green coalition in Berlin and the submission of Chirac and Jospin debacle of the workweek from 35 hours in Paris , the two nation-states Europeans began to make stand. In the late twentieth and early twenty-first, the Commissioner of Finance of the EU, which was a certain Pedro Solbes - German and French irritated "by calling them to order" and giving them as an example of strict country with sound accounts a. .. Guess what?, Aznar's Spain.

With all this, what I mean is that more important than the euro and its limitations is the policy pursued within the framework of the euro . There were years in which the Germans did not seem Germans (they reached the five million unemployed) and did not look English English (one of every two jobs created in the EU, was English; Zapatero has come to create one in three unemployed generated in the EU).

fatefully The English are not doomed to be a country of waiters and tourist destination of the wealthy citizens of the Union. are our decisions that we condemn, not an inexorable fate . We can make things right. Political will and mindset of work, of course, but we did in the recent past, achieving goals other centuries more capable than we could not achieve.

requirements stipulated in the Maastricht criteria were a reasonable seed, but were overlooked precisely because it seemed blasphemous to punish France and Germany. Of the powders are now sludge Greece ... and Spain.

share the view that if the crisis gets out of today no thanks to the euro if the euro though, but political action and social habits of the population that generated the crisis ( in particular) and hindering their departure from it.

The euro is not the problem itself, but the currency is more politicized and there is insane right now. Instability arises from the oversizing that political decisions have on it. Given the power concoction that makes up the Union and the disparate interests when they confronted the member countries, the euro has not market behavior, but a puppet in the hands of politicians, most low-class morality, and many also of no economic development. If politicians were serious about the euro and the punishment of offenders, the potent sign of rigor and credibility would strengthen the currency and reduce the socialist policies of many governments.
But it is the foxes who have been caring for the chickens.

do not think the euro is the problem, consider that in any case, those that are the problem becomes more problems whatever they touch. And the euro, to our misfortune, is in your hands.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Best Blue Ray Player Upconvert Standard Dvd

Idioticiario, switching to "number one", JL-ZP

Wear decades thinking that it destroys any politician making use of the archive. But it is true that some are more vulnerable than others. The sassy, \u200b\u200bshort-termism and inconsistency of our "public men" (if the call policies "public women" applying radical linguistic equality, Bibiana Aido cross out of me sexist ... and if I apply this radical equality language ... well) is abundant, but has been distributed unequally.

was therefore inevitable that in this second installment of displayed Idioticiario and the "number one" when that crap. As the fishing ground where fish their crap is too broad, deep and fertile, I wanted to confine the entry today to those more lofty and impassioned statements about the crisis, in the sense that Solbes compiled in previous post.

Following the same pattern as that was his own Minister of Economy , ZP started denying and putting more stock to those who spoke of crisis. Not only that, but we painted the legislature as a haven of prosperity to reach all at the lowest price for giving him our vote:

July 3, 2007 - Congress of Deputies. Zapatero: "I enunciate a simple but ambitious: the next legislative lograremo s full employment in Spain . I do not want to short-term nature, I want definitive. "

August 21, 2007 Zapatero: " Spain is safe from the financial crisis ."

September 6, 2007 Zapatero: "We have the lowest unemployment rate in history. The English economic model is an internal model tional solvency and efficiency. "

general elections were approaching in March 2008 and not only had to deny what was more than a gossip world, but it was necessary to remove chest. For the people brutalized, are always helpful folk similes:

September 11, 2007
Zapatero : "Using a football metaphor, one could say that Spain has entered Champions League the global economy. "

October 16, 2007 Zapatero:

"No hint of recession. The English economy has good foundations. "

While there are always some thugs who dare to contradict a socialist leader, and know what breed are:

January 9, 2008 Zapatero :

" Create an unjustified alarmism about the economy of a country can damage expectations. Let me saying that is the least patriotic know. "

January 14, 2008 Zapatero :

" The crisis is a fallacy, pure catastrophism . We are growing above 3%. Although morning grow to 3% or 2.8%, is a good growth, we will continue creating jobs and having surpluses. "

Not content to assume, Zapatero takes one feature less digestible, which is to give lessons integrity and honesty to others, as did sobe economic issues facing one of the electoral debate Rajoy:

February 25, 2008 Zapatero: "The public accounts have a surplus every year, 70,000 million surplus, allowing us to have a guarantee, a strength to meet any need. The slowdown is not going to be neither deep nor long. Will be a slowdown for which our country is more prepared than anyone else. should have taken note of the discussion between Mr Solbes and Mr. Pizarro, to realize that it is demagogy economy. "

A few days before the election, he looked ready and needed to take the órdago:

March 3, 2008
Zapatero : » Prometo crear 2 millones de nuevos empleos ».

7 de marzo de 2008
Zapatero : » España está en condiciones para llegar al pleno empleo ».

Con las elecciones ganadas y el partido rendido a su liderazgo absoluto, no pudo resistir traer unas expectativas paradisíacas:

April 26, 2008 - PSOE Federal Committee. Zapatero
: " The worst forecast of unemployment that we have ahead forecast will always be a better stop than did the PP better."

not forget those who were erre que erre (and not ERE ERE, that came a little later) highlighting the harsh reality.

April 28, 2008

Zapatero: " The attitude of those who exaggerate the scope of the present economic situation is unpatriotic, and demagogic unacceptable. "

This stubborn reality that made him start his usual dialectical tightrope:

June 29, 2008
Zapatero: " Like everything else, is debatable and depends on what you mean by crisis. [...] For a concept as the crisis would have to ask the economists, and certainly would not agree. "

"Beyond potholes as now, Spain has conditions to aspire to reach the levels of employment than the European average and technical full employment. Let us work for it. The Government has been the most successful in their forecasts. "

July 2, 2008
Zapatero: " The economy is going through a difficult and complicated ."

Is the economy? Man, do not depersonalize you. Those who live a difficult and complicated situation that will not make ends meet, do not you think?

But the leader always knows how to straighten this stubborn reality. The crappy call priceless consumer makes his coreligionists (yes they will be arriving later this month).

July 4, 2008 - PSOE Federal Committee.
Zapatero: " Being optimistic is more than an act of rationality is a moral . A work, and also agree that devour. "

July 8, 2008 Zapatero says that avoided last word "crisis" : " In this crisis, as you want to say, people are not going to happen any difficulty . "

Of course, for example, those who ask them to consume, do not jo ...

Just do not forget that the crisis is the fault of the evil Americans:

August 27, 2008 Zapatero : "It would be absurd to think that the crisis originated in the U.S. not affect the international economy in general and English in particular".

But for peace of all who trust Zapatero (ie, all but the facade and unpatriotic if both are not the same), that we are seeing the crisis as soon as you remember (if we take as the starting date when the government admitted and as the completion date when the were declared the end):

October 19, 2008
Zapatero : "I think the second half of next year we already have a business quarter economic growth. "

socialist But one never misses an opportunity to deepen their statism: that things are going well, the reason for increased public spending, that go wrong, it more strongly:

December 13, 2008
Zapatero : " No one will be on your luck to the tragedy of unemployment. My priority is that not a single family in this country could have a situation of serious distress or concern about job loss. "

And he denied that the crisis is not going with him

December 18, 2008 Zapatero : " No; nobody knew " . As we have entered an objective situation of crisis, have been the first to speak of a crisis the international financial system and economic crisis. begin in March to create employment so intense. "

But in any case nothing to worry about:

April 29, 2009
Zapatero : " probably the worst of the economic crisis has already passed . "

I now feel much more relaxed. Do not you?

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

What Towrite On Wedding Card Not Corny


since I bought the wheels from the side, (Grammar), I removed the stickers that I brought it liked, and since then Manu ( ) which is a " ax "in this design, he insisted on wearing my wheels. The asked me one day and returned them well.

Details of the stickers on both wheels.

Detail of the sticker on the down tube (egalitarian than Cadel Evans:))

the sticker on the rear wheel where you set the size of it to the profile of the wheel (an artist).

The stickers are high quality and the truth is that the bike has been awesome. If anyone is interested, please get in touch with him in the mail . It makes any design:)

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Free Games Like Poptropica


Today we had a day saw several club mates, with a day sunny and windy, with gusts made it difficult to fall and the rise mainly in the port of Las Palomas. Today I used to do a field test that I will give a fairly accurate estimate of the pulse Anaerobic threshold. The test protocol were as follows:

- Rise Boyar port to quiet rhythm, pulse of 155-160ppm, in watts my friend Manu, has moved 210 watts average on the rise ( Powertap measured).
- Lowering the rise buoys and Palomino (2 kms)
- Descent of the Doves and uploaded to "all out" (a stop, come on ...)
The rise has been made since the bifurcation Algodonales and Zahara.

( , en este link podeís ver como utilizar una version de google maps que te mide las rutas y marca los recorridos, está muy bien).
Nota: la subida se ha realizado desde donde marca el km1 en la altimetría, que es donde esta el cruce de la primera foto, en total 12.8 kms)

La subida se ha realizado casi todo el tramo con todo metido, es decir 39-23, salvo algunos tramos mas o menos tendidos que se ha ido con 39-15 A 39-11. Me he notado algo corto de desarrollo, quizas con un 25 o 26 hubiera ido mucho mas suelto, pero bien es verdad, y eso lo sabe los que I know that even if I like to get stuck development. The climb I've done almost 99% of the time sitting, and that in addition to high-intensity me a hard time standing up, with the gusting wind was blowing even harder now to go in this position.

the end, this has been the pulse of the effort graph:

Time spent: 43:47
'' average heart rate: 172 ppm maximum pulse
: 180ppm
km: 12.8 km
Media km / h: 17.45 km / h


This test serves two purposes:
- very accurate approach to the pulse of anaerobic threshold, with a simple method that requires few resources.
- Use as a control test to verify our fitness over the season as weather conditions, have little impact.

For the data obtained, we could identify the anaerobic threshold heart rate is 172 ppm, a figure that now I can say that agreement with data obtained in previous laboratory tests by incremental test.

With this data we could get a simple table with the training zones:

light aerobic : Pulse Threshold - 30ppm -15 to Pulse threshold
AEROBIC MEDIUM: Pulse Threshold -15 to -5 threshold pulse
intense aerobic : +5 Pulse Threshold on.

that data looks like this:

light aerobic : 142-157
AEM (UAN): 167-177
intense aerobic : +177.

put in a few days I will make a Conconi test on bicycle, on roller, and compare both results.

For those who want to expand knowledge about the behavior of the CDF and the anaerobic threshold tests CRI and its relationship to other evidence, I recommend reading this article by Jose Gutierrez Lopez. http:/ / .

And to end with something nice some pictures of the participants (no Manu, because the goat and the wheels could not take down the pigeons had flown away.)
Loren crowned Pigeon

Silvestre, Loren and myself

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Brazilian Waxing In Japan


Third and last installment on general strength training and specifically oriented long distance triathlon. On chapter 2, the general strength training (FCIM) follows the same parameters, although detailed differences in specific endurance training:



The roll is an excellent tool for meeting our specific work force, and we can train any specific resistance quality of strength without having to find a slope given length and slope.


For work on the flat, it is sufficient to lower the development to achieve pedaling at a cadence around 10 rpm lower than we used to ride normally. The pulse is taken into the middle of the Year.

For work in tow, follow the following parameters:


the same way that we use the roller cycling, strength training for specific career, an excellent tool is the carpet or treadmill. With the right angle, we can do a proper job.


hill work


methods explained here have focused on the specificity of long distance love say this, it is possible to work correctly the resistance force in triathlon, focusing on other areas metabolic (anaerobic alactic and lactic), and in fact this is done by high-level athletes, but considering that this is a job a great demand joint and muscular, I preferred to give a basic understanding about the areas higher metabolic determinants in terms of resistance strength training is concerned, endurance and aerobic capacity .