Thursday, March 18, 2010

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Idioticiario, switching to "number one", JL-ZP

Wear decades thinking that it destroys any politician making use of the archive. But it is true that some are more vulnerable than others. The sassy, \u200b\u200bshort-termism and inconsistency of our "public men" (if the call policies "public women" applying radical linguistic equality, Bibiana Aido cross out of me sexist ... and if I apply this radical equality language ... well) is abundant, but has been distributed unequally.

was therefore inevitable that in this second installment of displayed Idioticiario and the "number one" when that crap. As the fishing ground where fish their crap is too broad, deep and fertile, I wanted to confine the entry today to those more lofty and impassioned statements about the crisis, in the sense that Solbes compiled in previous post.

Following the same pattern as that was his own Minister of Economy , ZP started denying and putting more stock to those who spoke of crisis. Not only that, but we painted the legislature as a haven of prosperity to reach all at the lowest price for giving him our vote:

July 3, 2007 - Congress of Deputies. Zapatero: "I enunciate a simple but ambitious: the next legislative lograremo s full employment in Spain . I do not want to short-term nature, I want definitive. "

August 21, 2007 Zapatero: " Spain is safe from the financial crisis ."

September 6, 2007 Zapatero: "We have the lowest unemployment rate in history. The English economic model is an internal model tional solvency and efficiency. "

general elections were approaching in March 2008 and not only had to deny what was more than a gossip world, but it was necessary to remove chest. For the people brutalized, are always helpful folk similes:

September 11, 2007
Zapatero : "Using a football metaphor, one could say that Spain has entered Champions League the global economy. "

October 16, 2007 Zapatero:

"No hint of recession. The English economy has good foundations. "

While there are always some thugs who dare to contradict a socialist leader, and know what breed are:

January 9, 2008 Zapatero :

" Create an unjustified alarmism about the economy of a country can damage expectations. Let me saying that is the least patriotic know. "

January 14, 2008 Zapatero :

" The crisis is a fallacy, pure catastrophism . We are growing above 3%. Although morning grow to 3% or 2.8%, is a good growth, we will continue creating jobs and having surpluses. "

Not content to assume, Zapatero takes one feature less digestible, which is to give lessons integrity and honesty to others, as did sobe economic issues facing one of the electoral debate Rajoy:

February 25, 2008 Zapatero: "The public accounts have a surplus every year, 70,000 million surplus, allowing us to have a guarantee, a strength to meet any need. The slowdown is not going to be neither deep nor long. Will be a slowdown for which our country is more prepared than anyone else. should have taken note of the discussion between Mr Solbes and Mr. Pizarro, to realize that it is demagogy economy. "

A few days before the election, he looked ready and needed to take the órdago:

March 3, 2008
Zapatero : » Prometo crear 2 millones de nuevos empleos ».

7 de marzo de 2008
Zapatero : » España está en condiciones para llegar al pleno empleo ».

Con las elecciones ganadas y el partido rendido a su liderazgo absoluto, no pudo resistir traer unas expectativas paradisíacas:

April 26, 2008 - PSOE Federal Committee. Zapatero
: " The worst forecast of unemployment that we have ahead forecast will always be a better stop than did the PP better."

not forget those who were erre que erre (and not ERE ERE, that came a little later) highlighting the harsh reality.

April 28, 2008

Zapatero: " The attitude of those who exaggerate the scope of the present economic situation is unpatriotic, and demagogic unacceptable. "

This stubborn reality that made him start his usual dialectical tightrope:

June 29, 2008
Zapatero: " Like everything else, is debatable and depends on what you mean by crisis. [...] For a concept as the crisis would have to ask the economists, and certainly would not agree. "

"Beyond potholes as now, Spain has conditions to aspire to reach the levels of employment than the European average and technical full employment. Let us work for it. The Government has been the most successful in their forecasts. "

July 2, 2008
Zapatero: " The economy is going through a difficult and complicated ."

Is the economy? Man, do not depersonalize you. Those who live a difficult and complicated situation that will not make ends meet, do not you think?

But the leader always knows how to straighten this stubborn reality. The crappy call priceless consumer makes his coreligionists (yes they will be arriving later this month).

July 4, 2008 - PSOE Federal Committee.
Zapatero: " Being optimistic is more than an act of rationality is a moral . A work, and also agree that devour. "

July 8, 2008 Zapatero says that avoided last word "crisis" : " In this crisis, as you want to say, people are not going to happen any difficulty . "

Of course, for example, those who ask them to consume, do not jo ...

Just do not forget that the crisis is the fault of the evil Americans:

August 27, 2008 Zapatero : "It would be absurd to think that the crisis originated in the U.S. not affect the international economy in general and English in particular".

But for peace of all who trust Zapatero (ie, all but the facade and unpatriotic if both are not the same), that we are seeing the crisis as soon as you remember (if we take as the starting date when the government admitted and as the completion date when the were declared the end):

October 19, 2008
Zapatero : "I think the second half of next year we already have a business quarter economic growth. "

socialist But one never misses an opportunity to deepen their statism: that things are going well, the reason for increased public spending, that go wrong, it more strongly:

December 13, 2008
Zapatero : " No one will be on your luck to the tragedy of unemployment. My priority is that not a single family in this country could have a situation of serious distress or concern about job loss. "

And he denied that the crisis is not going with him

December 18, 2008 Zapatero : " No; nobody knew " . As we have entered an objective situation of crisis, have been the first to speak of a crisis the international financial system and economic crisis. begin in March to create employment so intense. "

But in any case nothing to worry about:

April 29, 2009
Zapatero : " probably the worst of the economic crisis has already passed . "

I now feel much more relaxed. Do not you?


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