Saturday, March 27, 2010

How Long Do Box Braids Take

What really matters: it is urgent to ask the Parliament to declare the impossibility of negotiating with murderers

In the last legislature and following an agenda which by then was suspected, but now know that was carefully premeditated murder by the band eta and the PSOE, the Parliament adopted a declaration authorizing the Government to initiate contact with terrorists.

statement was really so worthless as to its formal declarative value, because the contacts were previous PSOE even the return of the Government, so as Rodriguez Zapatero took office as President, eta contacts. - Government of Spain were automatic without prior authorization by parliament.

The PSOE wanted to give democratic support the current negotiations and make way for voters Paripe less submissive to nationalism were accepting violent clear line between socialism and "violent nationalism."

Parliament giving the government permission, as if Spain was a country in which the separation of powers and the Congress of Deputies was not the go-between the executive through the partitocracy .

Now, it is essential that the only party that aspires to be an alternative government (the PP) or the one who makes the opposition work (UPyD) request that Parliament itself revoke that permission. Not only that, is necessary to go further and promote a statement denying the possibility the government to negotiate with murderers organized.

Clearly, the proposal will not succeed (in fact, a similar and was torpedoed after the last election) but at least the PSOE and others will be forced to portray and to refuse to approve the motion, the cost may be political and electoral difficult to repeat this ominous negotiation.

The current English democracy gives too few instruments for the protection and promotion of an ethical mode of governance. The few remaining are, must be squeezed to the maximum but usually all they do is stir the media and perhaps some electoral clout, but is there anything they care about most politicians who suffer?

Moreover, any prohibition of Parliament would be able to be much stronger if unlikely event a change of government, for the PP not to commit which was the worst mistake of Aznar in his 8 year presidency . It was this mistake that gave wings to Zapatero and allowed him to accuse the PP of wanting to sabotage "the opportunity for peace", identifying the negotiating process eta PSOE. with what happened in the first term Aznar. Do not subtract one iota of responsibility to ZP, but we must make clear that the PP made it easy or at least it did everything it could have been to avoid the goings of the current President.

Because it was the PP, but the social pressure for much of the English people (for whom the PP was more an inconvenience than a help) who managed derail the negotiation process making that part of socialist voters feel uncomfortable with continuous assignments and teasing of ZP to so-called "nationalist environment, which is only the periphery of the murder as an instrument of pressure.

electoral cost analysis Strategists for the PSOE was what stopped the bleeding of government assignments, curiously mixed in an incredible way the vileness and ingenuity . The naivety to believe that ETA would end up giving up everything to settle for a most humiliating for Spain and the vileness the coldness of the systematic betrayal democracy, the PSOE its members killed, including.

In this term, economic issues are predominant. But there are more important issues. As for me, prefer a five-year crisis that a new negotiation with eta Overall, the first is inevitable and the second depends on each individual citizen, and that no political party can save us from it.


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